got ethical husbandry?

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  1. jedininja

    Tonga Royal Family Deaths

    Have you guys heard about the car crash that killed a prince and princess of Tonga? Are these people that any of you guy that worked over there knew personally?
  2. jedininja

    Whats going on with RC?

    Most of the "experts," Boreman, Calfo, and Dr Ron have all left thier positions there. Anyone know what happened?
  3. jedininja

    Sad day yesterday.

    Just wanted a place to vent. I was very stupid and forgot to add top off water into my top off tank which I use to also add kalk to my 24g nanocube. I guess you all know where this is going... Well the water got to the bottom of the tank with all the kalk that did not dissolve at the bottom...
  4. jedininja

    Links on main page cant be seen

    Hi Dave, On the homepage, the links that are in white did not all fit into the blue squares so you can not see some of them when I am using firefox. But when I checked them using IE, they look fine.
  5. jedininja

    Members Picture Thread

    We have so many members and most of us know each other only by our handles. So I was hoping everyone would join me in adding a face tot he names and post a pic of yourself. I guess I'll put myself out there and post the first pic.