got ethical husbandry?

220g Move


Supporting Member
Hi Everyone,
After about 5 years in this amazing hobby with 10,20,30g reef tanks I took a plunge and bought a 220g, 6L X 24d X 30h with 50g sump. Tank is currently running with about 8 to 10 small fish four inches max size. Tank is bare bottom no sand. Live rock in DT and sump. Two rocks have mushroom colonys no other corals. Tank, sump and stand were built by a local individual 2 years ago. it's drilled back top with two return lines and two upturned 90° pvc elbows with strainer caps for drain. No overflow boxes.
I'm wondering what the best method/process in order would be to move the tank in one day. Should I transport all or most of the same water in blue 55g barrels to make it easier? I'm planning on renting a 17ft uhaul..But willing to hire a moving company 4 guys with truck 2 hours quoted me $500..Tank is currently at a business wherehouse in Novato and going to my place in Corte Madera 15 minute drive mostly all freeway only one 4 inch step entering my condo, no steps or stairs in Novato. I don't have any room for the fish in my current tank but have empty 40g breeder, 20L..and 10g..I do have an used empty 120g 4x2x2 Crystal Dynamic on cherry wood standwith sump not plumbed in the garage that I was going to use for rodi storage if needed for the move. On that note wife's deal was I gota get rid of the 120g CDA for the incoming 220 ..
I'm not experienced in PVC glueing at all which will have to be cut and put back together again or improved if needed.This will be my first tank with sump so have no experience with protein skimmers, UV sterilizers, at0, etc
Super excited the larger tank will open alota doors livestock wise but narrow the wallet lol..
I've reached out to several LFS but they have not been much help referral wise.
If anyone is experienced glueing PVC and has moved tanks in the past and is willing to help with that or logistic wise would be great. Of couse compensation for your time would be payed. I would like to get this done within the next week or two.
Thanks for any advice sorry for the long post maybe I'm thinking to much into this lol and it's simpler then it looks
Here's a few pics of the tank
Few more


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I don’t think you’re going to find someone less than $500. Is there no sump currently? I can help with plumbing if needed.
Hi yes their is a 50g sump below.. it's the one in the pic above between the pic of the tank I accidentally posted twice...I missed a call back from creative aquatics in sf yesterday so waiting for them to call me back again...Exploring all options...Thank you very much offering to help! Do you think it's best to try and move all the water with the tank? I think all the live rock should go into a plastic garbage can and totally covered in water to prevent any die off..I observed a hundred or so of those tiny asterina starfish all over the tank..
Hi yes their is a 50g sump below.. it's the one in the pic above between the pic of the tank I accidentally posted twice...I missed a call back from creative aquatics in sf yesterday so waiting for them to call me back again...Exploring all options...Thank you very much offering to help! Do you think it's best to try and move all the water with the tank? I think all the live rock should go into a plastic garbage can and totally covered in water to prevent any die off..I observed a hundred or so of those tiny asterina starfish all over the tank..
If you saw 100 asterinas you have 1000. You won’t be able to get rid of them by manual removal, but I’d remove and not transfer over whatever you can.

You don’t need to move all the water. 25% is plenty for good bacteria, etc. Probably just whatever water you need to move rocks/fish/coral is enough. Then add new saltwater that has similar parameters, temp, etc. Will be a lot easier and will help like a massive water change if you do have die-off or whatever with the move. Another option for keeping live rock live is wetting a towel and draping it over, sitting in some of the saltwater.

Unless you are working with people with lots of experience I would not try to move a garbage can with water in it. It will weigh a lot more than you’d think and will be prone to slosh and tip over no matter how careful you are. 5g Home Depot buckets with tight lids works well.

Maybe already obvious, but the tank and sump have to be completely empty.
Hi yes their is a 50g sump below.. it's the one in the pic above between the pic of the tank I accidentally posted twice...I missed a call back from creative aquatics in sf yesterday so waiting for them to call me back again...Exploring all options...Thank you very much offering to help! Do you think it's best to try and move all the water with the tank? I think all the live rock should go into a plastic garbage can and totally covered in water to prevent any die off..I observed a hundred or so of those tiny asterina starfish all over the tank..
I’d rather talk than type. Pm me if you want to talk.
If you saw 100 asterinas you have 1000. You won’t be able to get rid of them by manual removal, but I’d remove and not transfer over whatever you can.

You don’t need to move all the water. 25% is plenty for good bacteria, etc. Probably just whatever water you need to move rocks/fish/coral is enough. Then add new saltwater that has similar parameters, temp, etc. Will be a lot easier and will help like a massive water change if you do have die-off or whatever with the move. Another option for keeping live rock live is wetting a towel and draping it over, sitting in some of the saltwater.

Unless you are working with people with lots of experience I would not try to move a garbage can with water in it. It will weigh a lot more than you’d think and will be prone to slosh and tip over no matter how careful you are. 5g Home Depot buckets with tight lids works well.

Maybe already obvious, but the tank and sump have to be completely empty.
Thanks JVU for the advice!. Was thinking of buying a few of those blue plastic 55g drums with the metal ring that locks them down..Leave them in the uhaul ratcheted down use a pump with white garden hoses rated for drinking to fill ...keep them in the uhaul till tank is in place and plumbing is glued back together then pump back in tank...May be easier then using those barrel dollys. I could then use the barrels for mixing station in the garage although I prefer the look of the taller narrower gallon marked white containers . i will have another 150 gallons of heated water ready at the house also to save time on the move.And yes lol I assumed there are alot more of those asterinas in the rocks which certain shrimps dine on..If the fish were not part of the move would be alot lesser worry on time in all ..Thank you
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