Cali Kid Corals

BARcode v1.25.0


Just released.

In the journal tab for every frag, there is now an option to see a "combined journal". Normally, you would see the owner's journal, but now, you can see all the owners' journals at once. It looks like this:

Please either add filters to the "your collection" or make it so if "you have it" you get the same options as you do if you find it in your collection.

When trying to find the rasta zoas to post some available, I searched the collection and found it easily, but couldn't post. Had to scroll through my collection to find it (no search)
Please either add filters to the "your collection" or make it so if "you have it" you get the same options as you do if you find it in your collection.

When trying to find the rasta zoas to post some available, I searched the collection and found it easily, but couldn't post. Had to scroll through my collection to find it (no search)

Yup. I intend to. As collections get large, you need better tools to navigate them. “Your collection” is also missing lazy loading.
Please either add filters to the "your collection" or make it so if "you have it" you get the same options as you do if you find it in your collection.

When trying to find the rasta zoas to post some available, I searched the collection and found it easily, but couldn't post. Had to scroll through my collection to find it (no search)

I just added this