
Cool Idea: Touch Tank Visit for Seniors


Supporting Member
I've seen touch tank experiences for children but this is for senior residents of assisted living facilities. They bring a tank with snails, starfish, hermits, and urchins. (I would add live macroalgae and some nonlive shells and sand to feel, too. Maybe photos of different seashores.) Residents get to touch the animals and I bet it sparks a ton of conversation and memories. My da loved looking at my tank when I had one at home and my mother lived in a dementia care home after I could no longer safely care for her. So many people I met through my parents' activities would have loved this experience! Check out this reaction:
Screen Shot 2019-08-07 at 9.15.04 AM.png

I bet she had the exact same expression when she held a star at age 6; that excitement never goes away.
This is offered by a LFS/design shop in Rhode Island called Something Fishy. I saw it on their FB page. Here's info if you want to know their logistics:
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