Reef nutrition

Grade my clam

With all this talk of clams, I have no idea what "grade" my 6 inch maxima is. Looked online and can't find any accepted grading system.

Of course there are some gorgeous "ultra" clam photos, but I suspect that there is some degree of grade inflation when it comes down to the actual product received.

I'm trying to decide how much nicer a new ultra blue maxima will be compared to the one I currently have...


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Always hard to tell because we are never sure of others lighting, but yours has that neon blue that I think makes it an ultra. Ultimately it's subjective though.
Hard to say unless it was bought graded. How big is that maxima?

Most of the ultras have full patterns on their mantles.
Looks like an ultra to me.

I'd go the other way and say not ultra but it's all in the eye of the beholder. Different seller, different definition. I also don't think lighting plays too much of a role in the mantle pattern. Color? Absolutely, but the pattern is either there or not.
I'd go the other way and say not ultra but it's all in the eye of the beholder. Different seller, different definition. I also don't think lighting plays too much of a role in the mantle pattern. Color? Absolutely, but the pattern is either there or not.

I think you're probably right.