
Lights for sale, AI Hydra 52 and Kessil Blue A80s

They are fine for a small mushroom/zoanthid tank, and they make a great refugium light.

They are $165 brand new on premiumaquatics and I used them for about 6 months, so let’s say $80 each?

:D Raj would react to that video.... MR has a commercial version of the filter roll... Although Jake did say "probably" :lol:

I'm interested on the Tunze's. I can stick those in my moss growout tubs!

:D Raj would react to that video.... MR has a commercial version of the filter roll... Although Jake did say "probably" :lol:

I'm interested on the Tunze's. I can stick those in my moss growout tubs!

Hey Gresh, sounds like I have a potential buyer for the Tunze lights.
Kessil A80s seem to be $130 new. These are brand new, one is still unopened I think. $80 each?

I was hoping for $200 each on the Hydra 52s. They work great but are obviously not super sexy like a G5 Radion. They certainly grow coral just fine. I figured somebody would want to use them on a frag tank or something.
do you still have the Kessil A80?
@Matt_Wandell Congratulations!
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Just an update on what’s still available.

There is one Hydra 52 still available.

Both A80s are spoken for but sales are pending. I’ll update when those are sold.