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Looking for a fishtank 100 Gallons and maybe up to 150


Supporting Member
So I need to move my tank from my room, to the living room cuz I have to move to a smaller room. And I wanted to see if anybody has a tank with the stand that does not have that many scratches on the glass. I can also trade my 75 gallons old tank and some money or some corals.

If you have anything available send me some pictures and how much would you want for it. I am not looking for anything fancy and expensive. Just want to be bigger and the glass not to have that many scratches. If I have to move the tank at least I should try to move it into a bigger tank. If not I will have to use my current tank. I have less than a. month to move everything.

Also, do you guys recommend washing my old sand or buy a bag of live sand and mix it together with some sand that is not live?
I skimmed their tanks and I think everything worthwhile already had holds on it.

Unless you wanted some really beat up store tank.
I skimmed their tanks and I think everything worthwhile already had holds on it.

Unless you wanted some really beat up store tank.
ok good to know. I am not looking for something fancy that is expansive just to be drilled, be over 110gallons, with stand and low scratches on in.
I see this as a really good deal: 90 gallon reef tank with stand - $350 - reef ready. But I want something bigger than 120...
Not sure if anybody wants a good deal tank.
Hi @Alexx , I have a glass tank that is 48 L x 30 W x 20 T ie 125 gal.
It has Starfire glass on all 3 sides and has a black back glass. It has a black acrylic center overflow drilled with 3 holes.
PM or text me if your interested.
I don't have a stand for it.
Hi @Alexx , I have a glass tank that is 48 L x 30 W x 20 T ie 125 gal.
It has Starfire glass on all 3 sides and has a black back glass. It has a black acrylic center overflow drilled with 3 holes.
PM or text me if your interested.
I don't have a stand for it.
I see and where did you have the tank up? Wonder where can I get a stand for it. I'll see if I can find one.
Keep in mind:
Used tanks do not come with a warranty
I’m not saying don’t do it, but be aware of the risk you are assuming.
This is a large box of water. May you never see all of that water on your floor at once!
Unfortunately, I have.
Food for thought
I do recommend buying tanks new for that reason
I had over 20 tanks...Only 1 new and the rest were used for a various number of years. They all ran for 2-3 years without any problem. Sorry, you had an unfortunate tank.
I’ve had more tanks than most
Many of them were used

But if you don’t own your residence (and if you do) a failure of a 100 gallon or more on the floor is a very scary event that some towels will not fix