Cali Kid Corals

Lyretail Anthias dry food recommendations?

I recently added a lyretail anthias to my setup, and one of the things I plan to do if I take a trip is add an autofeeder. I haven't fed dry food in many years, last dry stuff I bought was golden pearls from BSD. Tried their flakes too, and it seemed like decent stuff so I was thinking I'd order more.

However, before I do that I wanted to ask for recommendations. I'd like a dry food that will work with an autofeeder, be eaten by corals if it falls on them, and not be too full of extra crap.

The Anthias is a pig, seems to strike at anything that floats by, so that's not an issue. What's the hot new pellet or flake food everyonevswears by nowadays?
I fill me feeder up with aquathrive nourish, spectrum, and Otohime. Spectrum pellets are ez to find. Otohime you have to order and a few stores that sell RN have Aquathrive Nourish.
Get Aquathrive while you can. What we have is the last in the world. They went out of business last year.

Stay tuned for lower volume Otohime packaging... coming really soon, and with a nice bonus :D