
Mike's 220 gal build

I decided to go against the grain and put the fuge before sump lol. I still have to install all the baffles which I forgot to mention. I know I'm gonna get slack for it.

This isn’t against the grain. Many people do this and is the recommended configuration of a full triton setup. I would just go with whatever gives you the largest fuge space.
Ya that is the main reason I did it as I have a few more inches on the left for a fuge vs. the right because of the pump. I don't plan on using the Triton method for now and looking to eventually do the moonshiner method if I get to that point depending on my coral etc..
Baffles are hit and miss. Also depends the speed you are pushing water through the sump. Just something to consider
Not saying you can’t make it work. I hate to have a sponge in between the baffle tho
Baffles are hit and miss. Also depends the speed you are pushing water through the sump. Just something to consider
Not saying you can’t make it work. I hate to have a sponge in between the baffle tho
Ya no sponge between baffles. Will be baffles separating drains from Fuge, the another baffle going to Skimmer then adjustable going to pump.
Ya no sponge between baffles. Will be baffles separating drains from Fuge, the another baffle going to Skimmer then adjustable going to pump.
Ok so your saying no bubble traps and if I put the 14" baffle I have right after the drain, do I rais it 3" so water from drains immediately goes under into fuge? And will that help spin the chaeto? Or do you think it will push the Chaeto up and over into the skimmer chamber?
You don't need to spin chaetomorpha, I've had mine in a center chamber for 15 years and it grows like crazy. Just get a strong enough light.
But should I put a baffle between my drain and first chamber which is where my fuge will be. If so do I raise the baffle to have water go under or no baffle needed there at all?

