Neptune Aquatics

Sudden tang aggression


Supporting Member
I recently got a small achilles tang (3-4 inches) and powder blue (~3 inches), both of which were in QT for 2 weeks. The entire time in QT, they got along fine and didn't show any aggression. After QT was over, I transferred them at the same time to my 150g display and they got along fine for about 1-2 weeks. This week, the achillies started beating up the powder blue (its been 3 days so far).

Any chance it will it subside? I can't really rearrange my rock work since the tank is quite established and corals have grown over.
You can try the mirror trick and feed heavy. See if it will buy you some time. Hopefully they will chill out.
They probably didn’t fight earlier cuz they were scared. Now it’s gangland time.
People use to say add tangs in odd numbers. That was a long time ago tho.
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I used an acclimation box witn my PB for week and half with establish achilles in tank. The aggression stop after a week . Now both live peacefully together for more than 3 years
An acclimation box for both would have been ideal when placing them into a new environment, but the fish are already in the DT. Acclimation boxes are very underutilized especially (in my experience) with tangs and wrasses.