
Web dev help

So here's the deal, I created a simple static site for a good friend of mine in Thailand cause the original site that was created by a thai girl looked horrible. The site can be found here:

It's pretty basic but meets his requirements and looks a lot better then before.

What I need help with is the following:

To embed the current Lightroom Web gallery into the same look as the rest of the site.

Create a guestbook, I am current using some free utility that I found online but ideally we would like this also embedded with the same look and feel as the site. Not sure how difficult this would be.

I am in no way a programmer and just know basic html from on the job work of creating prototypes for web apps. Since this is all volunteer work, I can only really offer free frags, lunch, dinner, beer, or whatever but most likely not cash. Since he teaches english abroad, I really doubt he can afford much either.

Any help would be much appreciated!!

hmm, so no clue if this is correct or not, but at least it got the whole header area together for you with white bg. Not sure exactly if the script works (didn't install it on my end, was jsut running the test page locally).
This is what I had in /Desktop/family/index.html
Also located in /family/ was "c" "j" "charley_images" "swfobject.js" and "logo_1.jpg", with the appropriate files in c/j/charley_images. I'm not feeling up to making sure all the links relate fine in your case, but fixing the links shouldn't be all that bad if it's needed. FWIW, I basically took the source code of one of your other pages, removed the body of them, and copied/pasted the body of "" into them. Goodluck!
Oh, and I think for making the links relative, you'll either have to copy c,j,charimages to the /family/ folder, or give absolute links for everything using them (*.css, *.js, etc)

NOTE* I've only taken one half-arsed class in html/css usage and have just kinda thrown things together as needed, so syntax may/may not be correct etc :) Just my little disclaimer.

		The World of Charly Templar
			function() {
					function() {
						window.location.href = "1.5-26_3_1_1_0_0_whos_involved.html";
						return false;
				[url=http:///]Home[/url] |
				[url=http://#content]Skip to Content[/url] |
				[url=http://#search]Skip to Search[/url] |
				[url=http://#pagefooter]Skip to Footer[/url] |
			[url=http://charly_home.htm][img width=110 height=73]charley_images/logo_1.jpg[/img][/url]
			[url=http://charly_home.htm][img width=500 height=73]charley_images/logo_2.jpg[/img][/url]
					Secondary Nav*** -->
	[url=http://charly_country.htm]My Country[/url]
	[url=http://charly_events.htm]Events and Activities[/url]
	[url=http://charly_audio_video.htm]Audio & Video[/url]
			[b]Please view my pictures..[/b]
			[b]My Family[/b]
		/* hide from ie on mac */
		html {
			height: 100%;
			overflow: hidden;
		#flashcontent {
			height: 100%;
		/* end hide */
		body {
			height: 100%;
			margin: 0;
			padding: 0;
			background-color: #737373;
			color: #ffffff;
		a {
		PostcardViewer requires Adobe Flash. [url=http://]Get Adobe Flash.[/url] If you have Flash installed, [url=http://index.html?detectflash=false]click to view gallery[/url]
			var fo = new SWFObject("viewer.swf", "viewer", "100%", "100%", "8", "#737373" );
			fo.addVariable( "langOpenImage", "Open Image in New Window" );
			fo.addVariable("langAbout", "About");
			fo.addVariable("langNoImages", "No images");
			fo.addVariable("xmlURL", "gallery.xml");
Might have to open up the swfobject.js in text editor and edit "addParam("bgcolor",c) to this: "addParam("bgcolor","#FFFFFF") to change the background color of it to white.

swfobject.js should be found in the family folder I think.