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  1. Prince Shah

    Reef Pi - open source IOTA (Internet of things for Aquairum)

    $220 one is the one which has power monitoring build in. The regular one does not haven’t have capability. And I m planning to get two as I have lot of gear to plug in. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Prince Shah

    Reef Pi - open source IOTA (Internet of things for Aquairum)

    Hmm the cost quickly adds up.....
  3. Prince Shah

    Reef Pi - open source IOTA (Internet of things for Aquairum)

    Apparently, there are few options here either we can use the plug and play model or the one with power monitoring (https://www.robo-tank.ca/Arduino-Devices/Robo-Tank-AC-Power-Bar-with-Power-Monitoring) or American DJ SR P8
  4. Prince Shah

    Reef Pi - open source IOTA (Internet of things for Aquairum)

    I really wish we break the vendor tie up and go for open standard. For my case I just want to monitor my tank and do some simple flows.
  5. Prince Shah

    Reef Pi - open source IOTA (Internet of things for Aquairum)

    I was banking on buying GHL vs Apex and then I did some more research. I stumbled upeon Reef Pi. Here is the link if you guys have not heard about it yet https://reef-pi.github.io/ Also, there is a plug and play kit to leverage the Reef Pi : Did any one tried it ? any experience or feedback ?
  6. Prince Shah

    Apex vs GHL

    Thank you this is great article. I am always split between automation vs getting corals/fish. Looking at the price I might have to shell around $1.2K for the Mega + extra power bar. Have you seen any deals during Holiday season ?
  7. Prince Shah

    Apex vs GHL

    How do you use Redoux and conductivity probe? I mean what do they measure
  8. Prince Shah

    Apex vs GHL

    I have read a lot and looked at the R2R forum and concluded that GHL is built like a tank and its robust which is what you need for automation. I have a small system WB 80.4 and wanted to automate following stuff - Protein skimmer overflow protection using sensor - Fill the 16 gallons RO...
  9. Prince Shah

    Kessil's AP9X

    Plz add me I am in the process of exploring kessil over AI Prime
  10. Prince Shah

    Waterbox 80.4 frag build thread

    I sold it I use bio pallet and gfo for nitrate and phosphate control Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Prince Shah

    Waterbox 80.4 frag build thread

    Hey I fell in love with waterbox and excellent product. I love the plumbing zero issue almost a year now.... Yes I would drill the reserve camber to make refining. I mod my return and added manifold. One more suggestion would be add a hole for overflow if the sock gets clogged. I m scared...
  12. Prince Shah

    Waterbox 80.4 frag build thread

    Yes blue tang is there as it was on my dream list I am planning to rehabilitate next year.
  13. Prince Shah

    Waterbox 80.4 frag build thread

    Haha I wanted useful fish. As this guy loves to eat bubble algae..... :)
  14. Prince Shah

    Waterbox 80.4 frag build thread

    One spot fox face which I lost due to purple tang bulling him.
  15. Prince Shah

    Waterbox 80.4 frag build thread

    Quick update on my reef tank
  16. Prince Shah

    Klir di-4 (2nd gen) or Aquamax Af-1 for Waterbox 80 gallon

    Hi BAR, I am in a dilemma and thought I will bounce off the idea from your guys. I have waterbox 80.2 which is 4x2 and 19 gallon sump. Currently I have protein skimmer and have retro fitted manifold to run GFO and Bio pallets. I also run Santa Monica HOG .3 to control nitrates but not...
  17. Prince Shah

    Waterbox 80.4 frag build thread

    Finally, I have added the following livestock and corals to the tank : - Baby hippo tang - Baby Purple tang - Baby spot face - Pair of designer (black ice) clownfish - Torch - Duncan - Toadstool leather (green) - Neon Green Carpet (I guess its not going to survive) Now I am thinking...
  18. Prince Shah

    Waterbox 80.4 frag build thread

    I was looking at different website and images to figure out how they have their wires managed. I got distracted on Neptune Apex controller. Is it need now that each item can directly talk to you ? I am not able to justify ApexEL purchase can some one plz tell me if its worth it?
  19. Prince Shah

    Kessil Tour- Nov 9

    Please add me and my wife to the list.