Free food!!!!! That's so cool, I use to keep a bunch of peppermint shrimp in my sump and they would spawn at least 4 times a month. All my fish and corals loved it.
4 jugs with lids got picked up.
I have 8 jugs left.
2 of them are tap plastic jugs with lids that are drilled.
6 are the standard jugs with 1lid that's drilled.
It's an old school overflow box.
I used it on a 20g 4years ago not sure what gph it's rated for. WYSIWYG in the images. Not sure if anything is missing for it to work.
Pick up in Daly City.
First come first take.
I have 12 5g jugs that I don't need anymore.
6 of them are missing lids.
They should be cleaned before using them.
Pick up in Daly City.
First come first take!