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  1. LordHelmet

    December 11th BAR meeting Pot Luck Food items

    Ill bring cinnamon rolls, and I'll even make them myself.
  2. LordHelmet

    LF Nerf guns

    dangerous those things are, my wife ambushed me with the kids this morning.
  3. LordHelmet

    Mullusks are the Coolest

    I misread the title. I thought you were saying Mullets are the coolest!
  4. LordHelmet

    Monterey Bay Aquarium Visit

    I was there yesterday. great place to go and unwind.
  5. LordHelmet

    Monterey Bay Aquarium Visit

    I was there yesterday. great place to go and unwind.
  6. LordHelmet

    Taking my tank down this weekend (I hope) need a home for corals to goto DBTC

    I can come up on friday if you have anything left. lmk.
  7. LordHelmet

    Seminolecpa's 180G upgrade

    I'm glad you explained that it was your wife's mirror, when I saw the pink color I just assumed..... Nice shots btw
  8. LordHelmet


    I'll take it if nobody else wants it.
  9. LordHelmet

    Galaxia vs. Ricordia

    My experience is that Galaxia will wipe out anything. I would either frag up the Galaxia to get it much smaller or live without some Ricordia. Good luck Bill.
  10. LordHelmet

    Smoked, brined turkey

    brined turkey, my favorite. mmmmm
  11. LordHelmet

    Orange Montipora digitata

    I wouldn't mind one. It's been a while since I had an orange Monti.
  12. LordHelmet

    For all of our sport fans out there!!

    not a bad deal.
  13. LordHelmet

    Mysis Feast

  14. LordHelmet

    Mysis Feast

    ok, Ill ask since I have been out of it for a while. Who's tanks are those?
  15. LordHelmet

    Looking to get a telescope

    Don't know much about telescopes other then what my father has. Like Mikes says $1000 will be very low end. My father has an 8in telescope used that he was able to get from a telescope nerd in socal for well over 2k; it does some cool things with tracking and pictures and what not. very worth it...
  16. LordHelmet

    Any BA gun nuts out there notice the price of ammo or LACK of ammo?

    Ammo is expensive everywhere these days. I bought 100 rounds of ammo .223 in Tucson last month to go shooting my cousins AR-15's. since they are both Tucson PD we had a almost 1000 rounds they were able to scavenge from their target practice days, If not we would have been shooting for 15min...
  17. LordHelmet

    Starcraft 2? Anyone cop it?

    Need to tell the wife that I need a gaming rig again. Seriously how does it look?
  18. LordHelmet

    Crocodile/Alligator Q

    You'll drown in the weeds long before anything will take a bite out of you in Clear lake.
  19. LordHelmet

    Bubble algae- losing the war....

    Bill, I think a combo of foxface and emerald crabs would be your best bet. If you could get your hands on a know bubble killer foxface like Robins and a large amount of emeralds say 6 to 10 crabs they would slowly fade away.
  20. LordHelmet

    Rose Millepora

    18. :)