High Tide Aquatics

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  1. aalhait

    Any suggestions for a nice romantic dinner??

    I guess this is a bit late... My fav place is LePapillon off of Saratoga and Keily! The tasting menu is to die for! and it costs a min of $100 per person (not including wine - which I do not drink)
  2. aalhait

    Pistol Shrimp Assasination

    But it will kill all shrimp and a lot of inverts! I have the same problem! My pistol digs up so much and buries my corals alive! He's skilled a few already! I would love to catch him but he's not going in the traps I set for him. I also have flame shrimps and banded shrimp that I care...
  3. aalhait


    What can you do to prepare your tank for Earthquake? These small ones, could trigger the 100 year old Hayward Fault BIG ONE! It's the 100 anniversary! Sea Lions Leaving Pier 39.... hmmmmm
  4. aalhait

    Unbelivable situation... any ideas?

    Do u want help catching it? I can lend you my trap?
  5. aalhait

    Marco Rocks - Now available at Neptune Aquatics

    OK, I need some nice large rocks! I'm coming right in!
  6. aalhait

    Bad day: Apex and dosing pumps

    I think your Ca is way too high as is! 18min every hour! It's like 27ml every hour! That's 648 ml every day!!! What type of system are you running? I have a 150 Mixed Reef and I put in about 70ml / day. All in the morning... Maybe I should add a little more. But 648 seems a bit high no?
  7. aalhait

    Mangrove starts

    Jon, I guess I forgot to pick up the mangroves... Count my share from the ones you're bringing to the meeting please.
  8. aalhait

    Can someone please ID this fish?

    I think it's called "Coral" Nemo is male... "Coral" was Nemo's Mom
  9. aalhait

    6th SF Tank Tour - Tentantive Sun Dec 6th?

    Thanks all for having us over! Jon and Wife. It was very nice of you to host us! Wonderful home you have! May you fill it up with joy, happiness and more kids ;) Great tanks everyone! Much to learn and implement in my next tank project. I'm excited to get my new 120 started now! I'm...
  10. aalhait

    one nice thing about kittens...

    Another really nice thing about kittens is how they can jump into your frag tank without knowing it has no cover on!
  11. aalhait

    6th SF Tank Tour - Tentantive Sun Dec 6th?

    Jason, No Costco California Rolls ;) Home Made or Real Crab ;) (with a B, Not a P)
  12. aalhait

    6th SF Tank Tour - Tentantive Sun Dec 6th?

    I can bring sweets and/or sodas JAR? No BBQ Abalone?? ;)
  13. aalhait

    My turkey

    I hope you did not eat him in front of your tank :)
  14. aalhait

    Has anyone experienced this before: six line killing mystery wrass

    Yes, I had my 6 line kill a brand new Mystery Wrasse I got from Live Aquaria... Lucky for me, they have a warranty. So I trapped the 6 line wrasse, moved it to my frag tank, and got me a new Mystery and he's now in the display tank.
  15. aalhait

    Mangrove starts

    A few facts about Mangroves... 1. Best place to keep is the sump under CFL light (I have a contractor's light holding it directly above the sump) 2. Light Substrate is best to keep the roots under... But I would place rocks above the substrate since their roots will grow... I have them...
  16. aalhait

    Mangrove starts

    Same Here
  17. aalhait

    Neptune Spitfire Chalice

    Unique corals calls it a UC Flamethrower. So you should call it a NA FT :)
  18. aalhait

    I feel stupid today.

    Jason, that looks like Tut Ankh Nemo! You must have snagged that from the http://www.tutsanfrancisco.org/ Tutankhamen exhibition... I read they liked to be buried with their pets!
  19. aalhait

    6th SF Tank Tour - Tentantive Sun Dec 6th?

    Yes on Steinhart and no membership... (Need ticket)
  20. aalhait

    Who has an Asfur Angel in their reef?

    FYI: Asfur translation is "Bird" The It's known as the Bird Angel (comes from the Red Sea)