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  1. under_water_ninja

    Sicce SDC pump experience?

    I’m using 5 of the big sdc return pumps. They have been great! Almost 2 years running with zero issues. They are WiFi controllable and the app is ok. Being that I am at the shop everyday all day, I have yet to connect them to WiFi, lol. They are easy to adjust in the controller. Great...
  2. under_water_ninja

    2nd Nero 3 died within 3 years- how long yours last?

    Ya they don’t last! Its to bad
  3. under_water_ninja

    2/18 Fragging Workshop at High Tide Aquatics

    I don’t mind doing Saturdays, I just can’t have the whole front room blocked off on my busiest day of the week, lol. Once the weather is better, I have all the space we need out back, plenty of chairs and tables, set up canopy’s (when the sun is beating down) and we are golden, even have...
  4. under_water_ninja

    Cocktails and Coral Talk featuring Matt Wandell and Richard Ross at High Tide Aquatics Feb. 4th at 5pm

    I sell it at $1.50 per gallon. I think he will charge $1 per gallon for home delivery, But it’s a 400gl minimum.
  5. under_water_ninja

    Cocktails and Coral Talk featuring Matt Wandell and Richard Ross at High Tide Aquatics Feb. 4th at 5pm

    I sell the same water at my shop! Same water I use in all my systems! Good ol’ natural seawater!!
  6. under_water_ninja

    Toadstool - ok or has issues?

    Sometimes large toadstools that get dragged will start dragging them selves. I have noticed that with larger toadstools, once you cut it, it irritates it, and then they start separating and dropping off self made frags. I think that’s what those white patches are. Let it be and do its thing...
  7. under_water_ninja

    FREE '24 SPS Growout Contest

    Don’t see why not, it’s a tank you take care of
  8. under_water_ninja

    Cocktails and Coral Talk featuring Matt Wandell and Richard Ross at High Tide Aquatics Feb. 4th at 5pm

    M Oh man, hope everything is ok! Power went out at the shop from 2:30-4, so it was stressful, lol!! Somehow it blew my WiFi router out so no WiFi =no apex control so everything is funky now, gotta handle it all tomorrow before things get weird, not to mention tons of devices are on WiFi timers
  9. under_water_ninja

    The Mangrove Seahorse Hitching Post

    Man, my seahorse/mangrove tank can not support macros, I’ve tried a bunch! The tank is plumbed to my 150gl display. Po4 is 2.5, no3 is 140. They just melt after a few days. Only Vulva(sea lettuce) will live. Guess there’s a limit of what they can handle. Glad the tank inspired you and feel...
  10. under_water_ninja

    Various items for Supporting Members (added item no. 8) - closed

    I could use the label maker if no one has claimed, mine took a salt water bath
  11. under_water_ninja

    Cocktails and Coral Talk featuring Matt Wandell and Richard Ross at High Tide Aquatics Feb. 4th at 5pm

    Today is the day guys!! Still have spots left! If you plan on coming, please register. If you are not coming and want to submit a topic discussion or question please do so via the link! Can’t wait to see everyone there! Kenny
  12. under_water_ninja

    Anyone in Pacifica that could pick up some books for me?

    They got picked up! Thanks Mike!
  13. under_water_ninja

    Treating Ich

    Hard to tell in the pic but it could be lymphocytes, kinda like herpes that comes out due to stress or poor water quality. The raised protruding white bumps look more like lymph. I would need to see a better pic to properly id. Lymph is untreatable but the good news is it will go away with...
  14. under_water_ninja

    Cocktails and Coral Talk featuring Matt Wandell and Richard Ross at High Tide Aquatics Feb. 4th at 5pm

    2 more days to go! There is still 10 spots left, and you guys can still submit questions or discussion topics! The more people that submit the more informative this talk is going to be!
  15. under_water_ninja

    Anyone in Pacifica that could pick up some books for me?

    A couple of these books I already have so I can pass those along! Trying to add to my education station!
  16. under_water_ninja

    Anyone in Pacifica that could pick up some books for me?

    Thanks so much man!!! I just messaged Micheal asking for his number. I will pass it along when he sends it over. Thanks again!!!!!
  17. under_water_ninja

    Anyone in Pacifica that could pick up some books for me?

    Hey there, seeing if anyone in Pacifica will be coming to any of the event at the shop and can pick up these books for me, please let me know. Thank you!!!!!
  18. under_water_ninja

    Thanks Kenny!
