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  1. anathema

    Free older oceanic 120g (modified)

    Offer expired.
  2. anathema

    Urgent: Looking for INTERCEPTOR

    Thanks for the photos.
  3. anathema

    Reef-A-Palooza 2015 Who's Going and Who Wants to Come?

    Im jealous. I was stuck babysitting the fleetweek liberty ship ride. Thanks for posting photos!
  4. anathema

    VAG-COM cable

    I sold my audi, but I can't recommend advanced audi (in sf) enough. They are fantastic. Its a drive, but they've got the best service. I'd bet they'd shut your light off for free.
  5. anathema

    Seaslugteam Tank Journal

    Interesting tank. It's always fun to see how people approach reefing in a wide variety of ways. I find the "science experiment micromanagement" tanks to be completely baffling sometimes. Its the complete opposite approach from mine, I'm more like your wife in the sense that I want beauty, but...
  6. anathema

    Urgent: Looking for INTERCEPTOR

    I'd be really interested in seeing photos of the recession.
  7. anathema

    Urgent: Looking for INTERCEPTOR

    Do you actually see any bugs? Post photos if you can?
  8. anathema

    10th SF Tank Tour - Sunday Nov 8th

    It's a nice one. A bookshelf tank is on the "dream list."
  9. anathema

    500 gallon CAD Lights disaster

    Terrible customer service. Feel sorry for the guy. Hah. I have a brand new cadlights tank sitting in my living room. Guess I should've sold it last month.
  10. anathema

    Killing Rock?

    Ive got days off starting Tuesday midnight. I am planning to lay out the contents of my 50g drum and build one, possibly two more structures for my aquascape. I'll text you if I get that far and you can come look at the big chunks, I honestly dont have a use for them now but considering how...
  11. anathema

    Free older oceanic 120g (modified)

    Planning to disconnect this tank wednesday. Will have it out by the weekend. Last call.
  12. anathema

    Killing Rock?

    If you'd like, I'd come over and kalk anemones with you just to get a chance to check out the monster tank. We've all been there with one reef pest or another but it'd be sad to see you hit reset on a big volume tank. If you do decide to acid bathe your rock, I've got a 50g drum of rock, I'll...
  13. anathema

    Rygh's 250 gallon - rev.2

    Nice! Just read through the thread. If you want something that will encrust nicely and be interesting look in dbtc- softies for my "superman anthelia" the name is a joke but it's a xeniid that is much more manageable than xenia and not too bad looking. Ive got a frag plug of it going, or a pvc...
  14. anathema

    Killing Rock?

    Just kalk 10 aiptasia a day.
  15. anathema

    Any LFS still carry "fresh" live rock?

    Thank you for the advice. Generous offer, Raven, but I've got plenty of dead rock.
  16. anathema

    Any LFS still carry "fresh" live rock?

    Thanks. Sounds like exactly what I'd want, just not an entire box.
  17. anathema

    Any LFS still carry "fresh" live rock?

    I'm getting emails from BRS that are pushing fresh live rock flown in from fiji. Looks like a fantastic way to up the biodiversity of a tank, but I have plenty of rock. I would only need a few small chunks. Are any local stores bringing anything like this in?
  18. anathema

    10th SF Tank Tour - Sunday Nov 8th

    Tiny little tanks are awesome, we will all be jealous of your self control. I don't think any tank is too small to be interesting.
  19. anathema

    LED in Photos...

    Great work, looks really good to me.