Neptune Aquatics

Search results

  1. svreef

    Free crushed coral

    About 5 gallons of crushed coral that has been sitting outside for a few years. I know it’s hard to come by these days and it wouldn’t take much to make it safe again. Pick up in Scotts Valley.
  2. svreef

    Change in BARcode posts

    There's another change I rolled out today. Now, BARcode will post as YOU when you take certain actions, instead of posting as BARcode. For example: The first post was made by BARcode when Eric transferred the fish trap. Now, when I got in line, the post is made by BARcode on my behalf. The...
  3. svreef

    Change in equipment queue forum posts

    @JVU has been bugging me about this change for a long, long's finally here. From now on, when there is a new post in an equipment thread, instead of showing when we expect a user to receive an item, we will show how long they have been waiting to get the item. Here is an example of...
  4. svreef

    Renewal not showing up

    @richiev I renewed yours manually
  5. svreef

    Trouble getting in line for equipment

    I didn’t see any errors in the BARcode logs. The Amazon API we use for this doesn’t tell us much, so there’s no quick fix.
  6. svreef

    Old PC

    Anyone have any use for an old PC? Huge, dirty case. Not terrible, no hard drives. Free.
  7. svreef

    Tidbyt with Apex?

  8. svreef

    Giveaway time!!!! Hanna HI98319

    Full disclosure: I never got accurate readings with this thing. Only found out after I had an issue in my tank. I then went: Cheap refractometer RedSea refractometer Milwaukee digital refractometer (double-checked with RedSea)
  9. svreef

    Lot of stuff I no longer use

    A few of you have messaged me about this stuff but I have decided to hand it all off to @Srt4eric and let him take it from there. Some items will become club giveaways as he sees fit.
  10. svreef

    Lot of stuff I no longer use

    I don't want to split things up
  11. svreef

    Lot of stuff I no longer use

    Last year, I switched from saltwater to freshwater, so I have a bunch of stuff I no longer need. You can have it all and I'm willing to meet you at Neptunes if you take it all. There are a lot of random things, but here are some highlights: New in box Fluval 407 canister filter. Used Fluval...
  12. svreef

    Apex help!!!!

    Did you reset the Apex with the pin hole button? (one short press)
  13. svreef

    Snorkeling in Moho Caye, Belize

    Awesome! I couldn’t dive because of a respiratory infection, so I’ll have to go back.
  14. svreef

    Snorkeling in Moho Caye, Belize

    Some pics to share
  15. svreef


    Not if you live in Aromas
  16. svreef

    Weirdest fishy thing yet

    I had a fox face do this.
  17. svreef


    Ran across this place next to 101 Trailer Sales that has all kinds of tubs. Could be useful in an emergency.
  18. svreef

    PSA: heatwave and pge shutdown

    You can just send us a fax
  19. svreef

    Return chamber level creeps up

    My ATO solenoid seems to be busted and leaks water into the sump. The float valve saved me from a flood!
  20. svreef

    Neptune LLS

    Ah, I thought the bracket might come off but I didn’t want to force it. If they had a manual…