Cali Kid Corals

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  1. Newjack

    Some coral pics from a Samsung Note 9

    Nice to see the tank is still rockin Tim!
  2. Newjack

    L&B’s new red sea 250

    Was the new red sea tank able to house that BIG rock structure you had in your old tank from Jester6 ?
  3. Newjack

    Tank Spotlight #3 @apon

    looking good Arnold! No skimmer gang
  4. Newjack

    Myi8909's Tank Reboot: Waterbox 4820

    glad to hear you giving it another shot.
  5. Newjack

    Lets see them full tank shot

    70 gallon sps reef
  6. Newjack

    Any blotchy anthias?

    I’ve seen them for sale at AC in the past. They’re a seasonal fish, so they only come up for sale certain times of the year.
  7. Newjack

    Hello from Castro Valley

    welcome aboard
  8. Newjack

    Live rock.

    now that’s a lot of rock and super generous of you
  9. Newjack

    DBTC: Vivid confetti

    I’d like to get in line for a frag
  10. Newjack

    Fritz salt help!!!

    Another reason I stopped using Fritz. Inconsistent readings from batch to batch. From day to day
  11. Newjack

    DBTC: Rainbow monti

    I’d like to give this one a try. I don’t think i’ve ever seen that color morph before.
  12. Newjack

    Post your Instagram account here

    what is instagram ?
  13. Newjack

    Frag rack - CNC

    very nice job
  14. Newjack

    DBTC: Blue tip, fuzzy acro (Newjack)

    Sorry guys I’m not sure and don’t want to say it’s something it may not be. I got the original frag from online vender “coral euphoria” Abe the owner passed it to me, asking me to check it out. It is not a piece he sells online.
  15. Newjack

    DBTC: Blue tip, fuzzy acro (Newjack)

    Man that thing looks nice under your lighting! Glad to see it doing good
  16. Newjack

    Hello from Castro Valley!

    Any friend of Bob's is a friend of ours. Unfortunately, Bob is taking a little break from reefing. I've got my fingers crossed that he will drop back in sooner than later. I like your equipment choice's of the past. It's a good thing you held onto most of your equipment because once you...
  17. Newjack

    RMS Slide XR30 mounting bracket

    i’ll take it if it’s free
  18. Newjack

    Leak reactor

    man I have never seen a GEO reactor with that type of twist lid. & I’ve been around a long long time. You should put that thing on your shelf as an antique.
  19. Newjack

    What’s going on at BRS?

    Look what Petco did to Live aquaria lol
  20. Newjack

    What’s going on at BRS?

    At the end of their last video about hawaii ban, Ryan talks about the investors coming into BRS. He reads off a bunch of job opportunities and jokes about “how BRS is shooting for the moon”. He makes it sound like they are using the extra moolah to become the next Amazon/ walmart.