Neptune Aquatics

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  1. roostertech

    My First Reef: Redsea 525XL

    I pretty much just let PH does its thing. Besides, each dose only blips PH by a tiny inconsequential bit anyway.
  2. roostertech

    My First Reef: Redsea 525XL

    Yeah i had the same thought, so I'll adjust it to 00:00->23:55 00:05->23:59
  3. roostertech

    My First Reef: Redsea 525XL

    That's a poccilapora
  4. roostertech

    My First Reef: Redsea 525XL

    Figured out my DOS config. So if I just offset the start time of the interval, it should offset each dosing as well.
  5. roostertech

    My First Reef: Redsea 525XL

    I could create a configuration to interleave them, say 00-01 alk, 01-02 cal and so on. But then it is a pain in the ass to change dosing value as you would need to change each interval individually.
  6. roostertech

    My First Reef: Redsea 525XL

    So I assumed DOS would work in a similar way to my BM doser. That it would automatically avoid dosing collision. Bad assumption. I guess it is done this way to enable automatic water change application. So I changed it to dosing alk 00-12, dosing cal 12-24. And then I looked at the...
  7. roostertech

    My First Reef: Redsea 525XL

    Last week after refilling my NOPOX and repriming the line, I forgot to turn my doser back on. This went on for about a week till @Gablami nagged me to test alk since I haven't done one for 2 months. And it was.. 5.8. At first glance, the coral looks ok, but looking more carefully I saw that the...
  8. roostertech

    Hand feeding pellets to coral?

    I mix LPS grow and color pellet with reef roid and feed my coral sometime. But they seems to catch frozen food more readily
  9. roostertech

    starfish ID please

    Clearly a member of species nose bugger.
  10. roostertech

    PSA Decent price on a Gem Tang.

    Does tattoo gun work on fish?
  11. roostertech

    moai robotic glass cleaner

    While I like the concept there are so many potential issues to the whole robot-magnet-on-glass thing. I'm skeptical.
  12. roostertech

    links on right side not working

    It has been broken for a while
  13. roostertech

    Anyone had luck with Purple Queen Anthias?

    +1 for lyretail. Very chill for the most part, the male will do a little chasing but no harm. Last but not least, they are cheap!
  14. roostertech

    [Nov 11, 2017] Dick's Tank tour and luncheon (Oakland, CA)

    We brought kids our last year as well. I'm tentative yes, need to recheck our calendar.
  15. roostertech

    My First Reef: Redsea 525XL

    Yep the sand bed is turning green and the spaghetti worm population is exploding. I probably should cut back feeding a little.
  16. roostertech

    My First Reef: Redsea 525XL

    I have been super busy so the tank is in more or less neglected autopilot mode. The sticks are starting to color up so I got a viewer to take some top-down shot.
  17. roostertech

    Imidacloprid (Bayer) and vermetid snails

    I don't believe a tank could ever be vermetids free lol. Sooner or later they will get in.
  18. roostertech

    Does anyone in the club have one of these?

    +1 giant block of marine pure / siporax
  19. roostertech

    In the dog house

    How big is this "hole"?
  20. roostertech

    [Grow-Out Contest]: Mohawk Zoa

    That one is my smaller female, around 3", the male is biggest at 4"