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  1. J

    Thesassyindian's 13.5 gallon m̶o̶n̶e̶y̶ ̶p̶i̶t̶ nano mixed reef

    I’ve heard that as well, but never first hand, and it’s unclear to me if bumblebee snails are reef safe. If you find a good reef safe method to get rid of them let me know and we can quit our tech jobs to sell it. There are a few fish that may or may not keep them in check, but it’s only a...
  2. J

    Thesassyindian's 13.5 gallon m̶o̶n̶e̶y̶ ̶p̶i̶t̶ nano mixed reef

    Normally people are thankful for feather dusters. Personally I like them in my tank. If you still want it gone they aren’t hard to individually kill by scraping them off, their tubes are very weak. Vermetid snails on the other hand I’m not such a fan of, but those look different.
  3. J

    Thesassyindian's 13.5 gallon m̶o̶n̶e̶y̶ ̶p̶i̶t̶ nano mixed reef

    I’ve had success with long tentacled things like torches under wave makers. The gentle updraft keeps the stretched out without stinging everything around them.
  4. J

    Which LFS to buy: fresh water fish, plants, Amazonia Aqua soil, etc.

    I was always too cheap/tank too large so I went with sand over soil. Aqua Forest is pretty good for planted freshwater, and I think they have aquasoil there.
  5. J

    RODI Leaks.. How to prevent?

    1. Make sure your push connect fittings are actually all the way in. People tend to not push them in far enough. 2. A good square cut is nice. This is reasonably doable with a new razor blade for those who don't have the fancy cutter. Scissors tend to make poor cuts. 3. I use one of these...
  6. J

    Coral reefer’s 360 gal system. 225 display and frag tanks

    The medication procedures I’ve seen all require multiple applications at specific intervals to catch different generations. If one does only one dose does it permanently resolve the issue?
  7. J

    Fluconazole od?

    Correct. I put the skimmer on and started changing water at the 3 week mark, probably could have done so at the 2 week mark. min the past I dosed a second time at 3 weeks to try to resolve a different issue, but saw no changes with the second dose.
  8. J

    Fluconazole od?

    On principle you have to try to dissolve it, but he's really not kidding about the giving up part. I even have a stir plate and eventually gave up on getting it all dissolved. The blue/white capsules from overseas open pretty easily, but with the green/white Reef Flux ones I cut them open with...
  9. J

    Wet tile saw?

    At least for the Gryphon saws: 1. Water cooling for the blade and to catch most of the water dripping off the coral. 2. The table and body is plastic, so they won't rust. The few metal components including the blade are stainless for the same reason. Water is hard on most machine tools, doubly...
  10. J

    Wet tile saw?

    It's possible, but very much not my first choice.
  11. J

    Fluconazole od?

    Did you do anything other than the 50% water change (ie run a skimmer, carbon, purigen, etc)? If not, you're still running a 50% dose, which may be effective (mixed stories).
  12. J

    So angry right now ... cleaning lady unplugged aquarium pumps (by accident) and my last two fish are dead.

    Hmm, a ticking time bomb of a sand bed probably doesn't help, although I don't know how much it'll hurt. I advise vacuuming through the sand regularly, at least where it is accessible. I didn't used to be a believer, but I've used nothing but a good sand cleaning to turn around a few tanks...
  13. J

    Fluconazole od?

    Did your cube calm back down?
  14. J

    Fluconazole od?

    Getting phosphates under control never worked for me. My current tank the Hanna phosphorus ULR was consistently coming in at 0.006 PPM phosphate (2 on the meter) and the bryopsis was still gaining ground quickly. Higher strength hydrogen peroxide (20% to 35%) might have set it back, but I...
  15. J

    QOTD: What reefing thing do you really wish you'd known?

    Hasn't caused me issues, but when buying a new custom tank, 5 holes minimum (3 drains, 2 returns), and size your returns like you size your drains. This whole "the pump can push the water harder than gravity pulls it" thing might be true, but there's a direct impact to your electric bill.
  16. J

    QOTD: What reefing thing do you really wish you'd known?

    More specifically: 1. Decide if you are or are not ok with getting your armpits wet. 1b. Don't buy a tank you can't comfortably touch the bottom of, and better yet touch the bottom at the back corners. Yes, this means people with long arms can have taller tanks. I spent some time working on a...
  17. J

    Trimming SPS

    You don’t use bone cutters an birdsnest, are you new? You use your eyes. You look at it, and chunks just break off on their own. If that doesn’t work, try doing any form of tank maintenance near it, tell your friends how nice it looks, or admire the nice sharp tips. I guarantee several...
  18. J

    Fluconazole od?

    Following along, although I don’t know the cause. I’ve seen statements online of up to 5x overdoses without ill effects, so I doubt that’s the cause. I don’t believe bryopsis die-odd causes any major issues either. The first time I did my tank looked like this before treatment, and I had no...
  19. J

    Will this work to catch my Wrasse and maybe Damsel

    You're only feeding in this container and not anywhere else, right? If there is easier food they'll get it elsewhere.
  20. J

    Advice for owning a clam?

    They really, really, like light, and they can be Alk (and calcium) consuming machines. They might appreciate some food in the tank (don’t spot feed them), but it isn’t going to compensate for a lack of light. As to if this is a good idea, a link to, or post in, a journal with more specifics and...