Cali Kid Corals

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  1. J

    Grinding out a corner chip from a tank

    Haven’t gone past what you see above yet, or do you mean the entire tank?
  2. J

    Grinding out a corner chip from a tank

    Up front reminder. Wear PPE. At a minimum this includes safety glasses, although glass dust isn't something you want in your lungs either. Unfortunately my 18" AIO cube tank was not well packed in the move here earlier this year. Two corners are chipped at the top, and there is a chunk...
  3. J

    GHA & urchins

    I’m by Twin Peaks in SF and yes, available.
  4. J

    So angry right now ... cleaning lady unplugged aquarium pumps (by accident) and my last two fish are dead.

    Sorry to hear that this has hit you a second time. I also suspect something is up. I turned my return and circulation pumps off earlier this week...and remembered many hours later. I went back and nothing was out of place other than a few partially closed zoas. This isn't the first time I've...
  5. J

    Words of experience and caution regarding inexpensive dosing pumps?

    Experience as follows: -Jebao/Jecod/any of the other brands selling this pump. Some are DOA, the rest seem to hold up well enough. Are they perfect? No, not really. Are they good enough? Probably. Expect zero warranty support. To an extent you are rolling the dice. I'd almost buy a used...
  6. J

    Mp10 placement?

    I mess around with the two EcoSmart modes periodically but usually end up back on Reef Crest eventually. I think 20% sounds a bit low. I would have guessed 50% as a starting point, but do it empirically. If you like 20% start it there. After a couple weeks turn it up a notch and see how...
  7. J

    Screw size help

    I hate to tell you Mike, but your cars have used foreign screws for the last 30 years. Not that American cars are made in America these days, but still. Wouldn't surprise me if there are more inch dimension threads made overseas than in the US at this point. Having said that, screw production...
  8. J

    Coral reefer’s 360 gal system. 225 display and frag tanks

    Exactly, so even if Bayer worked the same, you would still have to do it three times, plus have it contained in a hospital tank that was fully treated or hope (hope is not a plan) that nothing got off the piece being dipped. I’m trying to explain why while it’s a good preventative measure, a...
  9. J

    Coral reefer’s 360 gal system. 225 display and frag tanks

    As I understand it, the issue with Bayer and red bugs is that it kills the bugs, but not the eggs. Interceptor may well have the same issue, but because you can put it in the display you can leave it there for the duration of the lifecycle whereas you cannot do this with Bayer.
  10. J

    Mp10 placement?

    Assuming L×D×H I stand by my previous statement. I'll add in that some people like to put both on the back wall and nothing on the sides, but I've never been a fan of that for some reason. It is less visually obtrusive, but never seems to work out flow wise. There always seems to be a rock in...
  11. J

    GHA & urchins

    As far as I can tell they are all the same. A couple years ago I went with the no-name from east Asia because I could get it. This time I just went with BRS because it's easier to get a hold of. I have a bunch leftover as I was considering a second treatment that isn't going to be needed and...
  12. J

    Mp10 placement?

    I've seen three methods: 1. Place them on the same side, sync them. 2. Place one on the side and one on the back, put them in sync, or mess with the gyre mode (not sure if that works with only 2). 3. Put them on opposite sides, but anti-sync them if in the middle of the panels, or put one toward...
  13. J

    Hanna Nitrate low range checker available

    We should plumb our tanks together, I always seem to need to add nitrates to my systems, fresh and salt. On topic these are now in stock at BRS, but for the trouble they seem to be I’ll stick with my Red Sea test.
  14. J

    GHA & urchins

    All of my urchins ate every type of algae imaginable when I had them in my last tank. Unfortunately for me it was growing faster than they could eat it. About 2 weeks ago I threw in the towel on trying to scrub the hair algae out of my tank on a weekly basis as it was basically overrunning the...
  15. J

    Abandoning Kessil 360s

    If your light shut off occasionally then clean them. I’ve seen exactly two rations that would randomly turn off, bit belonging the the same guy who was running several. We eventually figured out that both had dead fans and would shut off when they got too hot. Once the fans were replaced there...
  16. J

    Broken ORP Probe...Concerns?

    Odd. I really wish we could get the actual scaling factors on these in use and not just ‘counts’ at the time of calibration. You can get that info on Apogee sensors, but not from Apex pH probes AFAIK.
  17. J

    Broken ORP Probe...Concerns?

    Might not hurt to stick a DMM in and make sure one of your pumps isn’t starting to cause a stray voltage issue. When you say “all over”, what sort of range are you referring to? Drifting calibration usually makes pH probe values shift, but I haven’t seen it make them jumpy.
  18. J

    That's it. I'm done with 2020

    Honestly it’s probably going to infect your entire system now. Better to just give it away and start over. Don’t mind me, I’m just here to help.
  19. J

    That's it. I'm done with 2020

    They look like a pineapple sponge. You should consider artificial sponges when cleaning your tires, more ecologically friendly. I expect that a freshwater dip, with the usual vigorous shaking will resolve the issue. You probably didn't quarantine when you brought it home either did you?
  20. J

    Any idea what's in my zoa?

    No idea, but if it's easy to get off I can stick it under my microscope for a picture.