Neptune Aquatics

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  1. Kim Pattison

    What temperature do you run your tank at?

    We run our breeding system at 78 and 82 for hatching.
  2. Kim Pattison

    [May 19, 2019] MARS Frag Swap Sunday May 19, 2019 (MARS Frag Swap)

    Kimmie will be donating a pair of Clowns for their raffle.
  3. Kim Pattison

    Survey - Do you Apex!?!

    We have 3 Apex units. We use 2 apex classic and 1 new model. The new model is on the reef display system. The classics are in the Factory. The classics runs the broodstock system and the other is on the 2 grow out systems. Most of the control in the grow out is for the large part of the...
  4. Kim Pattison

    Styro Boxes

    If anyone wants to get rid of their shipping boxes bring them to the swap. Jerry and I take them off your hands Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  5. Kim Pattison

    Snow storms

    No there is not. The fish we sell to the public are very variable in price. It will depend on the type and quality of the fish you are looking for. Jerry can pull fish based on what type you are looking for and the quality of fish you want and then you can WYSIWYG. Or you can come out and...
  6. Kim Pattison

    Apex, Excuse #12,349

    When the pump goes on it raises the water level by forcing the water higher n the display. Simply pushes water up.
  7. Kim Pattison

    Snow storms

    One month away.
  8. Kim Pattison

    Snow storms

  9. Kim Pattison

    Cycling tank... good salt or not?
  10. Kim Pattison

    Styro Boxes

    Thank you. They can check us out at Kimmies Clownfish Factory on Facebook.
  11. Kim Pattison

    Styro Boxes

    Jerry and I will be at the Member swap. Any shipping boxes would be greatly appreciated. Any sizes we have been able o add a couple out of state LFS to our client list. Woot we just added a store in New Orleans.
  12. Kim Pattison

    Coral Farmers Market Donation Thread

    No Clearwater will not provide a tank.
  13. Kim Pattison

    Coral Farmers Market Donation Thread

    I would say the AIO. Water will be available.
  14. Kim Pattison

    Coral Farmers Market Donation Thread

    Clearwater is going to bring them for us. He is setting up a tank with our clowns and some anemones.
  15. Kim Pattison

    Coral Farmers Market Donation Thread

    Okay I have made arraignments to get the donated clowns to the market. Ed at Clearwater will bring them to the event and hold them if necessary. I would recommend someone bring a small tank to set up and display the clowns. I am so sorry I cannot be there.
  16. Kim Pattison

    Clownfish breeding set up

    Jerry and I are on the hunt for a breeding pair of standard full Bar clowns. Will trade for designer or purchase with cash.
  17. Kim Pattison

    The closure of Drs. Foster & Smith will take place over the next two to four months.

    Yes we do sell to designer clowns to the public. You can hit us up at Kimmies Clownfish Factory on Facebook. Would love it if everyone liked our page.
  18. Kim Pattison

    The closure of Drs. Foster & Smith will take place over the next two to four months.

    We used to buy our salt from Dr Fosters loved having it delivered. Now we buy salt by the pallet.
  19. Kim Pattison

    Corals Farmer market set up - silicon valley Friday Feb 8th - Need 2-3 helpers

    I cannot handle that I am going to miss this event. :(:(