Reef nutrition

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  1. treylane

    Monster ID?

  2. treylane

    Monster ID?

    Specifically known to be a baddie? He has spoony claws at least. And even more fun -- found some sort of creepy AEFW-looking flatworms on my shrooms.
  3. treylane

    Monster ID?

    He's in the nano for the moment, we'll see if he eats any of the softies in there....
  4. treylane

    Gamete release

    Not from yesterday, but brittle star spawning is pretty cool...
  5. treylane

    Monster ID?

    Alllright, good/bad/ugly?
  6. treylane

    Territorial purple tang, and general fish stocking.

    I'm not sure if purples are as dumb as scopas... but I've definitely had temporary-banishment-then-reintroduction work when my scopas tang wouldn't stop bullying a new addition. Sumped him for a few weeks while the new addition (a butterfly) settled in properly, adjusted some rockwork and added...
  7. treylane

    WTBorrow - Livestock bin or similar?

    I have a little SUV and can haul too, unless picking it up is on your way to the meeting, Dave?
  8. treylane

    My "Lazy Reefer" tank

    w00t! Glad to hear she's doing well! Has she gotten huge yet!? Her ex-mate, the bluestripe clown, made it through the ich crisis.
  9. treylane

    WTBorrow - Livestock bin or similar?

    suuuure, why not? :)
  10. treylane

    WTBorrow - Livestock bin or similar?

    I'm looking to borrow a ~100g livestock bin for a month or so. Can pick up and return anywhere in the region, just let me know what your terms are :)
  11. treylane

    My "Lazy Reefer" tank

    It's been a rough year for the tank. Much of it my fault, but it's time to come clean and pull it back together. Towards the beginning of the year, I added a few new fish for the first time in over a year. (Yeah you know where this is going...) They reintroduced ich into the tank and I...
  12. treylane

    July 14th Gear Swap item list

    Unloading: 2x250w halide pendants w/electronic ballasts A few smallish glass tanks Aquacontroller 3 setup Typhoon3 RO/DI housing Biggish Green Nepthea colony
  13. treylane

    Stylo spawning

    I've been having issues with my skimmer for a month or so. The skimmer seemed to behave totally fine most of the time, but would just go nuts at seemingly random intervals. No fish disappearances and the corals weren't looking stressed either. If i didn't keep the collection cup 100% bone...
  14. treylane

    Stylo spawning

    I've been having issues with my skimmer for a month or so. The skimmer seemed to behave totally fine most of the time, but would just go nuts at seemingly random intervals. No fish disappearances and the corals weren't looking stressed either. If i didn't keep the collection cup 100% bone...
  15. treylane

    Clove or Glove Polyps Clavularia Problems with keeping them lately

    I've been keeping these things for the last couple years and in a stable healthy tank they're weeeeeeeds! I've gone through a few population booms and busts, and can say that low alk will definitely cause problems, so double-check that your holy-trinity of ca/alk/mag params are in check...
  16. treylane

    Money Cowrie

    Money cowries are great, and I've been on the hunt for some myself. If anyone finds a source for them and wants to do a group buy, count me in. They're long-lived, algae eaters, and stay small - maximum shell size is ~3/4" long.
  17. treylane

    Hi everyone!

    Wreck alley is a ton of fun, but there are some great kelp dives off Point Loma in San Diego too.
  18. treylane

    Any luck in keeping a tank free of Bubble Algae?

    The total elimination for 2-years-or-more thing, I can't say that I've made it that far. But after a stint of aggressive and long and soggy manual removal weekly for two months, I now just have to go and scrape a couple bubbles every couple months. Not perfect, but much more manageable than...
  19. treylane

    Mazarra LED's

    Alright, coverage is definitely WAY better now. Roughly doubled. Noticeably less intensity though, not sure how I feel about that just yet. The lenses aren't labeled, but somewhere in the manual there's this: