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  1. Otakuthugster

    DBTC: Hawkins echinata

    ...PM me for pick-up.
  2. Otakuthugster

    DBTC: RRU Firecracker

    @phc567 , PM me for pick-up.
  3. Otakuthugster

    DBTC: RRU Firecracker

    @under_water_ninja , PM me for pick-up.
  4. Otakuthugster

    DBTC: Hawkins echinata

    Moving on to @Plankton . Please forward me a link to your tank journal to be considered for this offering.
  5. Otakuthugster

    DBTC: TSA Bill Murray

    Lookin' good, Mike...keep it up!
  6. Otakuthugster

    DBTC: TSA Bill Murray

    Looking good, mike.
  7. Otakuthugster

    DBTC: Pink, branching cyphastrea

    @Baykes , I can make a frag of this. PM me for pick-up.
  8. Otakuthugster

    Green Goblin anacropora

    @Reefpat , PM me if you can pick-up in Pacifica.
  9. Otakuthugster

    DBTC - "Sunkist" Bounce

    @markovkaa , PM me if you can pick-up in Pacifica.
  10. Otakuthugster

    DBTC - Bali shortcake

    @DubbaD , Send me a link to your tank journal if you're still interested in this offering.
  11. Otakuthugster

    Back in action & upgraded - 60g journal

    I've read you can keep chaeto in during treatment, but this brand in particular says not to use with macroalgae or a refugium. What are your thoughts?
  12. Otakuthugster

    Back in action & upgraded - 60g journal

    Lol...sorry.. Ok, gonna research fluconazole.
  13. Otakuthugster

    Back in action & upgraded - 60g journal

    You see an alk drop when you use it?
  14. Otakuthugster

    Back in action & upgraded - 60g journal

    Isn't RowaPhos GFO?
  15. Otakuthugster

    Back in action & upgraded - 60g journal

    I hesitate when I have to dose something...remember Dr. Tim's Eco-Balance. How did your corals respond when you used fluconazole?
  16. Otakuthugster

    Back in action & upgraded - 60g journal

    Yeah, I used to get acro envy watching his progression vids...lol...and then he chopped everything. :eek:
  17. Otakuthugster

    Back in action & upgraded - 60g journal

    September '21 update: Not much going on since last update. Been battling GHA -- mostly with a toothbrush and a fish net. Trying to reduce hands-in time, so I've been trying to drop the PO4 to <0.2ppm. Really, I don't mind excessive levels; I think it's just best to keep my hands out of the...
  18. Otakuthugster

    DBTC: TSA Zombieland

  19. Otakuthugster

    DBTC - Bali shortcake

    @dochou , @Squist , PM me for pick-up.
  20. Otakuthugster

    DBTC: TSA Zombieland

    PM me. I'd love to check out your tank. You live by Kris (newjack), right?