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  1. Otakuthugster

    Red Planet

    One Red Planet frag available. One condition: just keep me in mind if my tank crashes.
  2. Otakuthugster

    DBTC - Orange Ricordea

    Again, sorry to all that were interested. Didn't mean to lead anyone on, but it's for the best. I'll repost this once I get the situation under control.
  3. Otakuthugster

    Merry Christmas Lens: Sigma Zoom Super Wide Angle AF 17-70mm f/2.8-4.5 DC HSM Macro

    Yeah, I'll probably be more serious about a tripod once I get a tele-zoom lens. But that's way down the line. Thanks for the input, tho'.
  4. Otakuthugster

    Rich's Acro. tenuis

    Seems simple enough. I just need to catch a reef lobster and a couple hermit crabs. But does anyone know someone how can break me off a piece of interceptor for a 28 gallon reef?
  5. Otakuthugster

    Rich's Acro. tenuis

    Yeah, thanks for chiming in. I got all paranoid last night and starting lookin' all over my other corals for those things. Looks like this one and a few other frags have the same. I'ma QT them tonight. Can anybody help with the treatment for these buggers?
  6. Otakuthugster

    Merry Christmas Lens: Sigma Zoom Super Wide Angle AF 17-70mm f/2.8-4.5 DC HSM Macro

    Yeah, I'm definitely lookin' into a tripod but feel I can do without one for now. I'm using a smaller 6" tall one for aquarium shots but have been window shopping for a larger one for use outdoors. Any recommendations for a sturdy, lightweight tripod, good for on-the-go travel?
  7. Otakuthugster

    Merry Christmas Lens: Sigma Zoom Super Wide Angle AF 17-70mm f/2.8-4.5 DC HSM Macro

    It's a Nikon D50. Pretty out of date by today's standards, but it gets the job done (that is, with a little photoshopping and high pass filtering). I'm lookin' at the D90 as an upgrade. That'll all depend on what kind of tax return I'll get this year, tho'. Oh yeah, that's also the...
  8. Otakuthugster

    DBTC - Orange Ricordea

    I'm withdrawing this piece for fear of spreading red bugs. Sorry all.
  9. Otakuthugster

    Rich's Acro. tenuis

    Thanks for pointing that out. I thought it was debris since I had to move it from the frag rack to the sand bed to get a better photo. And they seem a little pale to be typical red bugs. They do have a regular shape, tho', so I can't say for sure. I'll keep an eye on this before handing it out.
  10. Otakuthugster

    Merry Christmas Lens: Sigma Zoom Super Wide Angle AF 17-70mm f/2.8-4.5 DC HSM Macro

    I sure love this lens. My girlfriend surprised me with it on Christmas day. It was either this or the Decepticon base, Trypticon, but my girlfriend couldn't stomach paying over $300 bucks for an old, nostalgic toy. Pretty good decision, tho', I've got to say. It's pretty much got everything...
  11. Otakuthugster

    Yellow/Green Stag

    Post deleted by user
  12. Otakuthugster

    Monti Setosa

    I'm withdrawing this piece for fear of spreading red bugs. Sorry all
  13. Otakuthugster

    Rich's Acro. tenuis

    I also got a couple of these available: EDIT 1/28/10: I'm withdrawing my offer for this piece for fear of spreading red bugs, but I'll keep the pic up just in case someone wants to see what this frag looks like.
  14. Otakuthugster

    OtakuThugster's Mini-reef

    cool, thanks for the info.
  15. Otakuthugster


    Yeah, that's the one. They're always packed but well worth the wait for those oh-so-tasty noodles. Wait time ranges from
  16. Otakuthugster

    OtakuThugster's Mini-reef

    Hmm, sounds interesting. What would I be losing by not running the RO portion?
  17. Otakuthugster

    OtakuThugster's Mini-reef

    10/21/09 Solving SPS Brown-out (SPS Newbie Revelation) ***Reader beware: longer post than you probably want to sit through, but I thought I'd share my experience anyways to those who are searching for the same solution I came upon*** I initially got into SPS's for the variety of...
  18. Otakuthugster


    Anyone mention Suzu yet in Japan town. I know a lot of people usually judge ramen mainly on the soup base, but no one can top their homemade al dente noodles.
  19. Otakuthugster

    2009 SF tank tour - fifth stop, Mark

    Wow, one 150w Pheonix :O How big is this tank?
  20. Otakuthugster

    OtakuThugster's Mini-reef

    Wow, that sucks. I'm battling a banned type of macro algae, myself. It's the mini-lily pad lookin' stuff on the top shelf. They're extremely virulent, and even after large RO/DI water changes, their growth does not cease. After reading Euphylia's phosphate thread, I'm beginning to think...