Neptune Aquatics

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  1. Ahruk

    Newbie Nano Tank

    Urchin all decked out :cool:
  2. Ahruk

    Forum Contest: Flaming Zebra Zoa Grow-out Contest - TRACKING

    Well it's good to hear that at least people still have the zoas and they didn't all die :) Hope you're enjoying them even without the prize
  3. Ahruk

    Reef Hobbyist 40B

    I have a couple and they RARELY get fed (like when the pellets happen to fall on them or once every couple of months when Mike spot feeds). Mine have never moved and probably aren't growing as fast (for which I'm grateful).
  4. Ahruk

    Forum Contest: Flaming Zebra Zoa Grow-out Contest - TRACKING

    Just 5 polyps including babies
  5. Ahruk

    Your first reef tank (and mistakes)

    This is fascinating. Keep the stories coming :) It's amazing some of the mistakes that our tanks manage to survive.
  6. Ahruk

    Maureen's Classroom DSA 105

    Yep, while most of what I can frag would only be a couple of polyps just let me if you want them/when you're ready for them.
  7. Ahruk

    Maureen's Classroom DSA 105

    This sounds SOOO cool!!! Personally I love inverts <3 Kind of jealous of all that biodiversity, sounds amazing to watch.
  8. Ahruk

    Newbie Nano Tank

    Thanks :D yea, it's pretty entertaining. Today he decided to pick up the thermometer xD
  9. Ahruk

    Newbie Nano Tank

    Spent tonight cleaning up old frag plugs and staring at my tank which suddenly exploded (ok I exaggerate there's a patch) in hair algae while I was away for two days. /sigh... So ran out and picked 4 turbos which have done wonders in the past (personally I think the hair algae was a direct...
  10. Ahruk

    I love living next to the Monterey Bay

    Damn beautiful pictures, Thanks for sharing :) Also @jonmos75 thanks for inspiring me to get off my ass and take a walk on west cliff. While I didn't spot any whales, I did get to see some otters and seals.
  11. Ahruk

    My Acclimation/Coral Dipping Set Up

    Ask @Enderturtle about tank transfer method. It's pretty much the best way to guarantee that your fish don't have ich although it is a pain in the ass.
  12. Ahruk

    My Acclimation/Coral Dipping Set Up

    Yea it's not recommended for sps and if I had a really expensive zoa I probably wouldn't dip it.
  13. Ahruk

    Enough flow?

    I'd personally be more concerned with too much then too little. But it's hard to tell. I'd observe them for a week and see if they seem happy. If so mount them.
  14. Ahruk

    My Acclimation/Coral Dipping Set Up

    Oh man that's painful!!! But at least they opened in the end so to quote the bard "all's well that ends well" :) but man those two weeks had to have been rough.
  15. Ahruk

    My Acclimation/Coral Dipping Set Up

    I told you already, I only dipped two of them in hydrogen peroxide lol. The other 5 just wanted to tease me and make me wait a week to admire them :P
  16. Ahruk

    My Acclimation/Coral Dipping Set Up

    Yea, that's why I figured I'd give it a shot with a couple of the coral that I got at the swap (Not all of them just the two that seemed to have some hair algae on them) I did it a little bit less then recommended just because I was nervous and kind of wish I had done the full dosage. But I also...
  17. Ahruk

    From DIYFK to RC to BAR

    Welcome :) Can't wait to hear what you decide to get.
  18. Ahruk

    My Acclimation/Coral Dipping Set Up

    Another thing which I am not an expect in but have BEGUN to look into/test is hydrogen peroxide dip in addition to the traditional dips. It is supposed to help kill algae.
  19. Ahruk

    Invasion of the Lion fish

    Yep we're pretty great at killing stuff. Just generally not the stuff we should be killing.
  20. Ahruk

    Invasion of the Lion fish

    I be down to try it from a restaurant that I trusted.