Reef nutrition

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  1. roostertech

    Weigh in (Part Deaux) ....

    My royal gramma was pretty timid. It took a month to get comfortable before it would stay out in open water. My six line never bothered anyone. It constantly peruse the rocks creating lots of motions I got both of them at tiny size. I would never get dottyback of damsel. My yellow tang took...
  2. roostertech

    My First Reef: Redsea 525XL

    During the early month the sock seems to do a lot of good as a decent amount of "stuff" would be removed each cleaning. Now with the sock being clean most of time, I guess it doesn't matter if I leave it in or take it out.
  3. roostertech

    Mike and Ashley's 150g reef tank (our first)

    My PH range from 7.75->8, everything seems fine so I stopped caring for PH.
  4. roostertech

    My First Reef: Redsea 525XL

    I usually clean out my filter mesh sock every 3 days or so or it will start clogging and water would overflow and bypass the sock. Recently I increased feeding significantly due to new fish addition so I expected the sock to get clog up even quicker. But last night I checked after 5 days, the...
  5. roostertech

    Do you use any app for tracking tank parameters?

    Hah, if I get around to testing Alk once a week it would be a good week. Traces? pfft
  6. roostertech

    My First Reef: Redsea 525XL

    He is peaceful to everyone except for the midas blenny, who isn't even remotely look like a wrasse. He would chase the blenny across the tank back into his little hole. He cruise around with my 6 lines and ignore the anthias twerking around. The BRS lid kit came out a bit better than I...
  7. roostertech

    My First Reef: Redsea 525XL

    I'm adding new fish first into the acclimation box (as seen in the pic). After a few days and new fish is eating well, then I open the door and let it wander out at its own choosing. I leave the box in place for a few days in case it want to retreat back in. It has been more than a week and my...
  8. roostertech

    My First Reef: Redsea 525XL

    The yellow tang is pretty funny in his stalking. He would go from his cave (right side of tank) to where the wrasse hang out (left side of tank) and try to "surprise" the wrasse. If the wrasse happen to face his direction on the final approach, he would abort and sulk back to his cave and reset...
  9. roostertech

    My First Reef: Redsea 525XL

    @Gablami gave me his full grown Solar Fairy Wrasse. With this addition, my tank break into a chase fest. The new wrasse chases the blenny (which went airborne many times in his dodge). My yellow tang stalk and chase the new wrasse with a passion. No damage was done from the chasing, but that...
  10. roostertech

    Anyone run an ATO straight from RO/DI?

    What Mike said, running your RODI in small intervals will run down your DI resin very quickly due to TDS creep in the RO filter. I make at least 20g RODI at a time and then use that to refill my 10g ATO container
  11. roostertech

    Do you use any app for tracking tank parameters?

    +1 apex fusion
  12. roostertech

    Will's 300g Re-Do

    +1 for NOPOX, I dilute it 3x and put it on dosing pump.
  13. roostertech

    CAD Lights 46G

  14. roostertech

    Making a comeback?

    The latest update in the BRS 160 video and their thought on ULNS is interesting. They are running zeovit but with high nutrient inputs (heavy feeding) to accomplish low "residual" nutrient. This is very similar idea to what I'm trying to accomplish: feed heavily and have strong nutrient export.
  15. roostertech

    Apex COR beta starting

    So like S1 and M1. Though most people will never need L1 level of flow anyway. I'm running my L1 at 40%
  16. roostertech

    Making a comeback?

    Mixing clown with different look might not work? In the BRS clown harem series, they eventually picked on the the clowns that look slightly different than rest of the pack.
  17. roostertech

    Making a comeback?

    I only know one guy here that run zeo and have seen abandoned it lol. Using those systems are like walking tight rope. A lot of successful SPS tank run with high nutrient level from heavy feeding. As long as your nutrient export game is strong, it is far easier to run whatever-nutrient-level-system.
  18. roostertech

    Vincerama2's 180 gallon "Wifebane" reef project!

    turn it into survival of the fittest tank. Add in blue clove, kenya tree, mohawk zoa, gsp and let them duke it out.
  19. roostertech

    Making a comeback?

    +1 clown harem if you want to keep it simple/fun. ULNS is a lot more drama than it appear to be imo.
  20. roostertech

    My First Reef: Redsea 525XL

    Finally installed my manifold v2. 1" pipe -> 1/2" tee for accessories -> valve -> 3/4" thread to output Swapped my stock nozzle for a random flow generator from VCA A video comparing the outputs