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  1. J

    Tang in a 4'x2' 50 gallon?

    My concern is that while many people plan to rehome fish as they grow, very few actually do, or wait until it has clearly been too long.
  2. J

    Tang in a 4'x2' 50 gallon?

    I was going to say that a kole/tomini would be possible, but not a good idea. Rather than saying "Fish do not outgrow their tanks" I like to say "Fish can stunted by their tanks and conditions". My tangs are for the most part fat and happy in the 170 (5' tank) that I have them in, but I can tell...
  3. J

    DIY fail...

    Given the consequences of failure it might be worth putting in a second hook and wire for redundancy.
  4. J

    Can anyone help me set up a used Apex Controller?

    It's been a while since I've set up a classic Apex, but I will advise 2 things: 1. It's easier with the screen. 2. Don't do it over a wireless adapter, do it plugged in. Along with this, don't ever update the firmware over a wireless bridge on a classic Apex.
  5. J

    First corals for my tank!

    Both are in are Corallimorpharia, but Ricordea are in Ricordeidae>Ricordea>Florida and Yuma, whereas hairy mushrooms are Discosomidae>Rhodactis>species. Hairy mushrooms also spread at a much greater rate and have a greater capacity to overrun other corals. IME hairy mushrooms also tend to...
  6. J

    First corals for my tank!

    You already have a designer coral, that's branching GSP! I kid, but those are actually all really great starter corals. I think my first LPS was a duncan (might have been the second, I'd have to check). Years later it's gone from a single head to a softball, and yielded many frags over that...
  7. J

    Anyone here have an Alkatronic?

    No, but I can see a market for Trident reagent.
  8. J

    Should I be worried about the cabinet strength?

    Was the joint weak when you reassembled, or just not put together all the way?
  9. J

    NPS Lights

    Something blue. Something dim? Lots of CUC? If you're happy with moonlight intensity lighting you're set. A dimly lit tank actually looks really good so long as you don't put it in a bright room. I would think even with the high nutrient loads of an NPS system it wouldn't be too bad to keep...
  10. J

    LF: UV sterilizer. Tank turned super cloudy in 3 hours.

    I have a 40 W Pentair UV I keep for emergencies. PM me if you want to borrow it. I'm in SF.
  11. J

    Battery Backup Opinion

    I would not trust the Ecotech backup to be waterproof. Unsure on the Icecap one as I haven’t looked at the seams on the plastic case. The connectors are not waterproof in any case. All options I expect would survive more mist than they really should see anyways.
  12. J

    Bleaching or growing?

    Did the program change though? Even with the pros most people I know run the blues maxed out and just a bit of the whites and colors. Add another blue and we'd just turn the colors up a tad more. Close enough to the same spectrum for these purposes, but would up intensity a bit.
  13. J

    Bleaching or growing?

    Nitrate and phosphate levels? You could always put the lights on acclimation mode for a couple weeks if you're worried. If the rest of the tank is good I'd just keep an eye on it and let it go. If it gets bad you can always frag the non-encrusted portion. If it doesn't get bad then there's no...
  14. J

    Red tooth trigger disappeared

    At this point I try not to sweat it when things like this happen unless it's a big fish in a small tank. Among other mysteries: -A surprisingly large number of tanks I've moved for people have a fish stuck to the wall behind the tank. -I've helped people move down tanks, carefully checking...
  15. J

    Direct experiences with Regal Angels

    Not quite direct, but I've known two people who kept regals in a mixed reef, but neither with clams. One was a special case I won't go in to, the other had a very large tank (500 gallons?) and fed heavily a couple times a day. Neither had nipping issues with their coral. That said, there are...
  16. J

    What else do you dose beside two parts?

    Zero nitrates result in pale coral. Eventually zero nitrates lead to STN, then dead coral, but that takes a lot longer. I've run my tank at "zero" before, but with high input, so there wasn't a bad shortage. Even with that, things perked up quite a bit and grew a lot faster when I started...
  17. J

    Battery Backup Opinion

    I think you will find the pictures in post #1 here very useful if you're trying to save money with an Ecotech backup. It's just a $40 battery with a pretty box around it and a few outlets. https://www.reef2reef.com/threads/replacing-the-battery-on-ecotech-battery-backup.427982/
  18. J

    Can fish and coral survive overnight in a brute trash can

    Just a 40 gallon and in the same room? Easy! Drain all but the last 4" of water, get two able bodied people to slide the tank sideways 4 feet, plug it back in, put the water back in, set the new one up, and then move your livestock and rocks across. If you can catch the fish before moving the...
  19. J

    Can fish and coral survive overnight in a brute trash can

    If you have the option, setting up a new tank on location even a couple days in advance (obviously not new dry rock) will help. Run a foam filter in the old system for a couple weeks, then swap it to the holding system. It has one tall baffle dividing it but I have a 75 you can borrow for a...
  20. J

    All my fish just died. Return pump failure.

    I’m a bit puzzled too. What is the sticking and what size system? I’ve had a return pump down for a couple days without issue, but I also had very light stocking.