Cali Kid Corals

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  1. Invictus

    SPS PRE drop Sneak Peek!!!

    Exclusive release for fragging workshop attendees.
  2. Invictus

    DBTC: Green Turbinaria

    I gave a frag to @Darkxerox 11 days ago. This post was automatically created by BARcode
  3. Invictus

    DBTC: Green Turbinaria

    I gave a frag to @tribbitt 11 days ago. This post was automatically created by BARcode
  4. Invictus

    Polyp Lab Genesis Rock

  5. Invictus

    Polyp Lab Genesis Rock

    I seeded my tank with 2 blocks from Randy and had great success. Find someone whos tank you want to emulate and hopefully they’ll have some media to share.
  6. Invictus

    Featured Changes to frag swaps going forward

    We would love to have you back at one.
  7. Invictus

    Dangalang's IM Nuvo Fusion 20 Nano

    Those Gonis look incredible. Interesting to see the color changes too.
  8. Invictus

    Featured 2/23 Frag Swap Volunteer Thread

    Still overly expensive but luckily they haven’t seen quite the massive price jump like supras GTR’s and rx7’s
  9. Invictus

    Anyone use Reef Brite LED bars and like?

    @JVU has 8 360’s over his tank and the color looked great.
  10. Invictus

    Shipped torch not doing well!

    Incredibly hard to call it at this stage. If the flesh is already falling off then it’s going to be tough. Best bet may be to find someone local who can hold and keep an eye on it for you if possible. You don’t really want bailed torch polyps flying around your tank. That being said, I’ve...
  11. Invictus

    Anyone use Reef Brite LED bars and like?

    I have the smallest Reef Brites supplementing my Radion to get more light from additional angles. They do add a lot of blue to the tank, some solid pop, and about +60 PAR on average from mine.
  12. Invictus

    Featured Half priced ($4) CFM tickets 2/1/25 DATE CHANGE

    Sorry to hear that. It’s really a bummer for everyone involved. If you can’t end up making it please lmk ahead of time and I’ll work to have Casey get you your ticket cost refunded.
  13. Invictus

    CFM Volunteers Needed (2/1/25)

    Yeah, surprising that the hotel would push this event rather than whatever else they had double booked, if that was what happened.
  14. Invictus

    Featured Half priced ($4) CFM tickets 2/1/25 DATE CHANGE

    Seems like Steve books these well in advance, so that’s brutal to get booted only weeks out. Although, we don’t know the full story. Hope it won’t affect you too much.
  15. Invictus

    CFM Volunteers Needed (2/1/25)

    Hello All, please be aware, we were just notified that CFM has been postponed 1 week and will now be held on February 1st. I do not have the reason on why. If this affects your availability to volunteer please let us know. 11am-12pm: @Srt4eric @Klems 12pm-1pm: @splitting_lanes @PjFish 1pm-2pm...
  16. Invictus

    Featured Half priced ($4) CFM tickets 2/1/25 DATE CHANGE

    Hello All, please be aware, we were just notified that CFM has been postponed 1 week and will now be held on February 1st. I do not have the reason on why. If you have already purchased tickets and cannot make it any longer, please reach out. @scuba71 @Dizzy @derek_SR @divewsharks...
  17. Invictus

    DBTC: Green Turbinaria

    Bumping this before the party if anyone wants a piece.
  18. Invictus

    DBTC: Blow pops zoanthids

    Growing super well! my 2cents I dont think these are Blueberry Fields zoas, they're more akin to a Blow Pop zoa.