Reef nutrition

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  1. W

    Chaeto Reactor

    I just purchased the Tunze algae reactor. Works well. The hoses can get stuck with loose cheato getting trapped. Not a big deal just remove it.
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    Aquaforest 1,2,3

    I have just begun this balling method. It states to dose chemicals equally. Right now I'm letting my tank settle down since Calcium is off the charts to where it's too high to measure on a set kit same as magnesium. If you are using this method what Kh are you guys going by to get things...
  3. W

    Interested in your Monti plates. How large and how much? Wilson Nacario

    Interested in your Monti plates. How large and how much? Wilson Nacario
  4. W

    Red monti with yellow polyps

    What is your work schedule? I’m retired so I’m flexible Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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    Red monti with yellow polyps

    Where are you located? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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    Red monti with yellow polyps

    I would like some of your frags. When are you available?
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    Hi just wanted to know how much you'd charge for the Monti's? Are you available during the...

    Hi just wanted to know how much you'd charge for the Monti's? Are you available during the weekday? If not let me know best times to swing by.
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    Anyone have SPS for sale?

    Yes, interested in your Monti's.
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    Anyone have SPS for sale?

    I'm interested in the Monti's you may have. Are you ever available during the day? Do you have pics?
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    Anyone have SPS for sale?

    Like I said, I wasn't home other wise I do have a cooling fan with 4 heads.
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    Anyone have SPS for sale?

    What colors do you have? Do you have any spongodes?
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    Anyone have SPS for sale?

    I wasn't home during our recent heat wave. Three days of my tank hovering @ 90 F or higher. I lost some Acro colonies and orange Monti Cap, and a large colony of spongodes. Does anyone have anything for sale or trade? I'm at a loss but trying to get through this mess.
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    Monti setosa

    You you have any left? I'd like one.
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    Velvet Outbreak

    I forgot to mention several of my other fish made it through the out break. A yellow tang, bi-color angel, algae blenny, and a Bangai cardinal (he was in a group of 4 while three others succumbed to the velvet outbreak, a yellow coris wrasse and another bigger wrasse. No I don't have a...
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    Velvet Outbreak

    I had a breakout of Velvet in my tank @ November. I ran a diatom and UV sterilizer and thought it would get rid of it. I bought new fish at a great Black Friday deal, put them in my tank (after multiple water changes and running the above) and they all died within two weeks of each other...
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    Monti Cap (orange and purple) and Spongodies

    Can you send your address? If you care to PM that's fine.
  17. W

    Monti Cap (orange and purple) and Spongodies

    Are you available at any time during the day? I caretake so nights are tough. Maybe the weekend?
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    Monti Cap (orange and purple) and Spongodies

    Hi I am interested in all three. Where do you live?
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    Are you selling the corals?

    Are you selling the corals?
  20. W

    Like GSP!?!

    What are your light settings for your LPS tank? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk