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  1. ReyDeFarts

    Featured PLEASE RSVP!!! 2/23 Members-Only Frag Swap at Mission Blue

    Woop woop!!! More raffle items donated by @dangalang ! Thanks so much for providing these items.
  2. ReyDeFarts

    Budget build 2025 (mission impossible)

    Man, I loved every bit of this journal! Amazing updates. Also, I love that it's not your tank anymore. Accept reality and move on! :p In my opinion, anything you don't put into this tank from the purchase, should be removed from the budget cap. That is one heck of a deal! And a bleeding apple...
  3. ReyDeFarts

    Featured PLEASE RSVP!!! 2/23 Members-Only Frag Swap at Mission Blue

    I have updated the raffle prizes everyone. Still working on trying to get some more added. Big thanks to our amazing sponsors for their support! Be sure to support them when you can and be sure to tell them you are BAR members. It goes a long way to ensure they continue to succeed in their...
  4. ReyDeFarts

    MY IM 170EXT

    Is that a string of algae in that dark recess between those rocks right there? Do you see it? I see it! Look really close... in between those rocks. Can't miss it.
  5. ReyDeFarts

    To new beginnings, excited for the journey ahead

    Welcome to BAR! Glad to have you here. This community has so much wisdom to share. It's an amazing place to learn. Looking forward to seeing your tank get setup.
  6. ReyDeFarts

    Pro Resin vs Mixed Bed and Dual vs Single Cation

    I have a 3 stage DI. Cation - Anion - Mixed Last year, I replace the Anion a few times. My source water is trash and nukes the Anion by 150-200 gal of finished water produced. I recently ran an experiment with running mixed bed resin I purchase in bulk, in the Anion chamber with surprising...
  7. ReyDeFarts

    Where to start with Hydros

    I'm excited for you! I will definitely be going with the Hydros controllers, when I am able to. Definitely join up their Facebook community group too.
  8. ReyDeFarts

    2025 Budget Tank Build Exhibition

  9. ReyDeFarts

    Office Oasis (1G "Budget" Build 2025)

    Beautiful setup! And I love your desk. The ATO was almost as much as the tank. Sucks it's leaking, but they should replace it and offer a discount for the trouble. I had not seen the cooling kit before. I may need to check that out for my wife's tank. I'm glad you joined the exhibition.
  10. ReyDeFarts

    1G Nano Tank

    Awesome! I'll go check it out. I need to get mine started soon :p
  11. ReyDeFarts

    Pro Resin vs Mixed Bed and Dual vs Single Cation

    Ideally, vacuum sealed. I have a food saver which makes quick work of it.
  12. ReyDeFarts

    1G Nano Tank

    You're already close to going over? Also, do you mind me moving this journal to that specific section for the budget build entries? Or would you prefer to do a different build for that?
  13. ReyDeFarts

    1G Nano Tank

    Welcome! Glad to hear the community outreach table at the CFM suckered you into joining. Now we'll never let you leave! J/k Did you start the tank recently? Because if you did, you should consider being a part of the Budget Build Exhibition we recently started. A couple of us were considering...
  14. ReyDeFarts

    Red Sea Reefer 525 Cabinet (Black)

    That's awesome! Congrats on the upgrade and project. Take your time and have fun. I agree with you about @MarcosD One the nicest dudes around! And amazingly healthy coral. Hooked me up with a bunch of rock when I first got started here. Got my tank going in the right direction immediately...
  15. ReyDeFarts

    SupraSaltyReefer: Advanced Acrylics 160G Peninsula - House of Tangs

    Hey, it was good meeting you finally btw. I imagine the same way rocks are reused, the same could be said about sand. Some folks bleach and kill everything on rocks. Then rinse and clean until neutralized. Why can't the same be done with sand. Seems logical to me that the same could be done...
  16. ReyDeFarts

    CFM preview

    Prime Reefing in Watsonville. I've been taking care of the one I picked up for @Reefer Madness and will be bringing it to him at the swap. If you're interested, I could ask him to grab a couple pics of the ones he has left. If you want one or both, I'm sure he wouldn't mind holding it and I...
  17. ReyDeFarts

    Life Update!!

    Let's goooooo!!! Congrats Nathan! Well deserved and lots of long hours ahead.
  18. ReyDeFarts

    What did everyone get from CFM?

    Got some amazing torches! Thank you @MarcosD for these beauties and for the 3d prints! Got some beautiful surprises, thanks to @a.little.hypertonic! An awesome frag of Yellow Submarine Dipsastrea. And a gorgeous Bleeding Apple Bowerbanki. Got a great deal on some Blue Raven blastos from...
  19. ReyDeFarts

    CFM preview

    @Edgar Chavez had two frags, but they were closed up. Me and @Reefer Madness picked up a couple frags a couple weeks ago at the shop. They are such amazing looking corals and what an appetite!
  20. ReyDeFarts

    SupraSaltyReefer: Advanced Acrylics 160G Peninsula - House of Tangs

    Awesome! Stoked to see this up and running. So is the "don't use old sand" philosophy from the old days of reefing? I don't fully understand why, if precautions are taken to ensure its clean. I'd go as far as a bleach soak, but is that truly necessary? If I was upgrading a tank that had sand...