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  1. Nano sapiens

    Your resident raffle winner won again (claim some gear!)

    Just want to say that the array as it is is optimized for coral pigment expression over growth. And all of the LED chips are solderless (just plug in the wires).
  2. Nano sapiens

    Shout out to Nano Sapiens

    Nice meeting you too and chatting all about the reef aquarium hobby. I hope the little 12g finds a good home along with all the other miscellaneous items :)
  3. Nano sapiens

    Free 12g Cadlights Nano Reef Aquarium Full Setup (ready-to-go)

    Thanks for the interest! I'm trying to move the tank and all by offering up the books for just $50, so it's basically a package deal. Now if someone just wants the tank (without the books), that'd be a no charge.
  4. Nano sapiens

    Free 12g Cadlights Nano Reef Aquarium Full Setup (ready-to-go)

    Going through my storage recently and I noticed I still have this nano tank and all the equipment/extras. Seems a shame to just let it sit when it could be bringing someone real joy and satisfaction. I also have (4) just like new (no lie) books: All (3) of 'The Reef Aquarium' series...
  5. Nano sapiens

    Free 12g Cadlights Nano Reef Aquarium Full Setup (ready-to-go)

    Well, after 15 great years of great nano reefing ( it's now time to 'pass it on'. Location: Near Walnut Creek in Contra Costa Co This is a very well cared for 12g Cadlights bowfront nano reef aquarium with a few...
  6. Nano sapiens

    Nano sapiens 12g - Ye Olde Mixed Reef

    The SPS has been up there for a few years. The purple sticks are questionable (possibly Stylophora or Digitata?). SPS wise, to the right is a Pavona maldivensis and behind all that are three species of Seriatopora, a Granulosa, Mint-green Pavona, three species of Leptoseris, Pink...
  7. Nano sapiens

    Nano sapiens 12g - Ye Olde Mixed Reef

    Auto, (2) slightly modified 'Pet Bottles'.
  8. Nano sapiens

    Nano sapiens 12g - Ye Olde Mixed Reef

    Great, thanks for updating.
  9. Nano sapiens

    Nano sapiens 12g - Ye Olde Mixed Reef

    How about now?
  10. Nano sapiens

    Nano sapiens 12g - Ye Olde Mixed Reef

    FTS - 9th Year: Little puddle of saltwater just keeps on doing it's thing... :)
  11. Nano sapiens

    The Protein Skimmer is Necessary (I am looking at you, Nano Reef)

    To add some science to the conversation, Dana Riddle's article references tests done on a Torch coral using prolonged and continuous lighting: The takeaway here is that 17 hours of lighting caused abnormalities in cell division. 16 hrs. would...
  12. Nano sapiens

    The Protein Skimmer is Necessary (I am looking at you, Nano Reef)

    I don't have anything to say about poop, butt ;) The length of the lighting period can certainly be a factor in excess algae growth, as can the wavelengths emitted (especially warmer colors like 'red'), the intensity and the DLI (Daily Light Integral). The equatorial daylight length is 12 hrs...
  13. Nano sapiens

    The Protein Skimmer is Necessary (I am looking at you, Nano Reef)

    I deleted my original reply as I had to ask myself the question; "Is this OP serious or just having a bad day?", especially considering the definitive subject wording. Running without a skimmer didn't work in your experience, and that's legit. But your title says that a 'Protein skimmer is...
  14. Nano sapiens

    Leemar Starphire 290

    Sounds more like a 'Chalice', then. Whatever it is, it's a very cool.
  15. Nano sapiens

    Leemar Starphire 290

    Very nice! tank indeed! My interest was peaked with this unusual coral. My first thought was Australomussa since some of the corallites have a resemblence to mussids, but then again it could also be an unusually thick tissued type of Chalice (Mycedium?). Are the tentacles long and stringy or...
  16. Nano sapiens

    Nano sapiens 12g - Ye Olde Mixed Reef

    I guess you could say that, but there are a few even older examples of small nano/pico tanks out there.
  17. Nano sapiens

    Nano sapiens 12g - Ye Olde Mixed Reef

    Thank you, Felicia :)
  18. Nano sapiens

    Nano sapiens 12g - Ye Olde Mixed Reef

    Thanks! There's a fair bit of pushing-and shoving, but I've only lost one coral type so far. I like to transplant frags in multiple places, so that helps to prevent loosing a specific coral type.
  19. Nano sapiens

    Nano sapiens 12g - Ye Olde Mixed Reef

    Anywho, 8th year pics for this 12g non-filtered nano: Left side: Right Side: