High Tide Aquatics

125 Gal Tank - Free!


Supporting Member
I've come to the realization that my beloved 125 is just too much tank for my small SF apartment. I need to find it a new home and downsize back to my old 75 gal, so I'd like to give this one away for free along with the stand and plumbing. I'll sell the sump with the setup for $300 (~1/3 retail). The tank itself is in good shape, with no obvious scratches - but there is one cosmetic, shallow chip on a top corner, pic below and if a prospective taker would like to see it in person in advance, we can do that. Everything will need a good cleaning though.

Moving this is not easy. Both the tank and stand are very heavy, and most importantly, there are a lot of stairs. Whoever takes this will need to coordinate rounding up some strong people, an appliance dolly, and a vehicle.

Here's how I'd like this to go. Please respond to this post if interested. Once it's claimed please continue to use this this thread to arrange a pickup date and recruit help. I have some suction cups to help with move out, but I need to keep those here, so please coordinate getting/borrowing some. The day before pickup, I'll empty the tank, moving my fish, inverts and rocks to temp setups. So if the pickup ends up not happening, it'll be a real problem for me, because I won't be able to setup the replacement tank until this one is gone.

Details and specs on the tank and stand at the links below

The original for sale post

My initial setup

And a couple of quick, messy pics of the tank, the chip, plumbing and sump as of right now




I'm bummed to lose this beast, but hopeful it will find a good home in the club!
Im in SF and can help with the move. Did I help move this tank upstairs when you first set it up? Feels familiar...Hope all your other pets are doing well Dr Doolittle lol