Reef nutrition

Adding Tang(s)


Now that the puffers are going to a new home, there will be some free bio-load and I'm thinking of adding a Tang or two. I currently have a single large Powder Brown Tang that is very dominant. What is the best strategy for adding tangs? I have read that having a total of two Tangs is a bad idea - better to have at least three to spread the aggression around. Should I get small Tangs or ones larger than the Powder Brown? Are there different types of tangs that are better to be introduced last?
I’ve done the following with success in the past.
Get a plastic mirror from TAP Plastics and set it on the side of the tank; the PB Tang will be territorial towards its own reflection then add the other fish.
Now that the puffers are going to a new home, there will be some free bio-load and I'm thinking of adding a Tang or two. I currently have a single large Powder Brown Tang that is very dominant. What is the best strategy for adding tangs? I have read that having a total of two Tangs is a bad idea - better to have at least three to spread the aggression around. Should I get small Tangs or ones larger than the Powder Brown? Are there different types of tangs that are better to be introduced last?
Regardless, ths tangs will grow, and if fed well they would grow fast.
I would advice think of the tang size at maturity level then decide which you want.
Yellow and purple tangs are very good looking, good personality and great algae grazers..
Most tangs can get aggressive btw, so first add the one you want the most or better yet, add at once.
I don’t really care about the type of tang. I find the Powder Brown to be very beautiful and a great worker picking at algae all day.
I’ve got 6 tangs in my tank. All added at different times in this order: Yellow, Yellow Belly Blue, Sailfin Desjardini, Purple, Gem and Achilles. Certain tangs are more aggressive than others. I purposely saved the Achilles tang for last since it was the most aggressive tang. Use a big mirror so the Powder Brown Tang gets distracted by its own reflection and it will bother the new tangs less. Get smaller size tangs. Feed lots of seaweed daily. Have a QT tank ready since tangs are very susceptible to ich and HLLE. Selcon does wonders for HLLE. Good luck!
I’ve been chased out of a tank by a black tang
I’ve had most of the tangs. They do grow quite rapidly when well fed and given the room to grow
If you’re going to keep a multi tang tank, I recommend keeping different families as they will graze upon different algae forms.
And add them all at the same time if possible
I don’t believe anyone when they say this tang is most aggressive or that tang is less. I’ve seen very aggressive individuals of most of the types mentioned in this thread. Often depends on size and order if addition, but like people, they just aren’t all the same.
Unicorn tangs are bu far the most docile and community friendly. Buddies up with other tangs

Have a unicorn, hippo, sailfin, kole...and once had a gem that all got along