Neptune Aquatics


I'm thinking of getting a 29gal and making a "lagoon" style aquarium habitat. If I got clown fish, It would be nice to have anemone or two.
I was wondering if the anemones would survive in the regular PC lighting of the oceanic biocube and also, do the anemones require any wired supplement other than Iodine, strontium, calcium, and do all the levels to be about right? I was thinking of moving my B&W into the 29, and getting those black and white Cardinal fish (which are sold at my LFS) for my 14gal. I know it is a good idea, but what are the basic and major care requirements for anemones? I have read they need high lights, but can survive in lower lights like the regular ones. How much are healthy, cheap, pretty, anemones and what LFS should I got to? I currently am looking at bubble anemones because they have a nice look and texture. i was thinking something looking somewhat along the lines of the picture below...
I would say at least T5's would be ideal but water quality may be even more important. I've also noticed that their appearance can change (from bubbly tips to longer tips) from tank to tank and that may have something to do with the lighting but that's just a guess. hth
Would the oceanic lighting be ok if the water qualities were checked every other day and tended too? If the anemone dies, will it release deadly toxins into the tank? I heard that is normally a disaster when an anemone dies. Are there any special care note i may need to know about them? should I let my tank cycle and be stable for at least a month before adding one?
with rare exception, seasoned anemone keepers suggest 2 things
1) high light (and the biocube stock lighting isn't close..I have one)
2) stable tank conditions in an established tank (I also recall this being an issue for you)

sure it may "survive" in your current setup, but I can also "survive" by eating just Mc Donalds.

Consider the animal and not just your desires. Have your tank stable for MANY months with appropriate lighting, and then check back :)
Ok then, the anemone is out of though. What about bubble coral. What other corals would look NATURAL for more of a lagoon type environment? I'm trying to not go with bright pinks, yellows, greens, orange (you get the point) I want a natural looking aquarium wil sea grass covering it and the only corals will be polyps, mushrooms, frogspawn (as of now). Any suggestions?
If you are trying to get away from the neon colors but want something anemone ish which a clown may host in, you can always get something like a hammer or frogspawn in the brown/cream variety. I recall you having problems with them in the past. Not sure if you nailed the problem but if you haven't make sure you do so that this one will make it and be healthy.
Ask finkerwrinkles about the anemone he sells - they are tank raised. Not sure what lighting he uses. He also sells tank raised clownfish too.