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Anyone with iTunes experience? - iTunes skipping Albums in Library

iTunes is skipping over albums in folders. Say there's 3 albums (folders) in the Alice in Chains folder, iTunes will see and catalog the first two albums (foldes) and ignor the third so its not a playable option. I've manually pointed the application there with the Add Folder function and it still doesn't see it.



This has been going on for a while though. I've upgraded at least two if not three times now.

I've had it re-catalog the entire library and specific folder multiple times. And given the size of the combined library between my wife and myself there may be several albums not being seen. I just happened to be looking for a specific song that was on the missing album.

Sometimes when you update Utunes, or reload it, or change HD, etc it can loose the location. This will show by an extra icon on the left of the entry. But when you hit it, it should ask you to locate it. If that is not happening I don't know what to say :(
rgonzalez said:
I didn't upgrade, so I'm not sure. Did you contact an apple store? Those guys should figure it out in 10 seconds.

10 seconds + 10 hours maybe... I have found them to be slower then molasses!!!

two weeks ago I submitted a trouble ticket and two days ago I finally got a "we don't know" response!
rgonzalez said:
I didn't upgrade, so I'm not sure. Did you contact an apple store? Those guys should figure it out in 10 seconds.

Yeah, right, I haven't been able to purchase through iTunes in almost a year, I've been through phone service, email service, reuploaded iTunes, blah, blah, blah. I gave up and now use other services, I do still use iTunes as my primary player, but their normally stellar service in this case was less than. You'd think they'd want to figure the problem out as it relates to $$$, but no dice.
I guess I meant walk into an apple store and have them help you. Phone customer service sucks for every company now-a-days. Pretty depressing.
GreshamH said:
Sometimes when you update Utunes, or reload it, or change HD, etc it can loose the location. This will show by an extra icon on the left of the entry. But when you hit it, it should ask you to locate it. If that is not happening I don't know what to say :(

It doesn't even show the music as an option. The whole album is missing from the list, but it does exist if you look manually through explorer.

Unfortunatly there's no Apple store near here. And yes I've heard their phone service sucks.

Oh well.

rgonzalez said:
I guess I meant walk into an apple store and have them help you. Phone customer service sucks for every company now-a-days. Pretty depressing.

I do not agree "every company's phone CS sucks"... We pride ourselves on our excellent CS no matter what means of communication.
GreshamH said:
rgonzalez said:
I guess I meant walk into an apple store and have them help you. Phone customer service sucks for every company now-a-days. Pretty depressing.

I do not agree "every company's phone CS sucks"... We pride ourselves on our excellent CS no matter what means of communication.

Do you do CS at RN?
I use itunes for my library and buy through amazon (their downloader directly integrates).

As for album skiping. I've run into it but my situation might be different.

My entire library is remote on the network. If when itune loads, it can't immediately locate my remote library, it defaults to local directories, but keeps all the info (minus actual content) of the library local. It skips and won't play anything. To fix it, I go to preferences and reset the library location. It will then ask a out renaming/organizing. Do it. After, you need to consolidate your library under the file option. This is from a mac, so locations might be a tad different.
Gomer said:
I use itunes for my library and buy through amazon (their downloader directly integrates).

As for album skiping. I've run into it but my situation might be different.

My entire library is remote on the network. If when itune loads, it can't immediately locate my remote library, it defaults to local directories, but keeps all the info (minus actual content) of the library local. It skips and won't play anything. To fix it, I go to preferences and reset the library location. It will then ask a out renaming/organizing. Do it. After, you need to consolidate your library under the file option. This is from a mac, so locations might be a tad different.

OK...I'm giving it a try. I'm consolidating all the files/mp3s into the iTunes default directory. It'll take a while, we have 75 gigs in music. I'll let you know when it's done if it worked.

tuberider said:
GreshamH said:
Every employee besides our production team does CS :)

What about the graphic designer? :D

I answer them all the time... Marketing & Design / QA is my title though... CS is one of many things I do though.
GreshamH said:
tuberider said:
GreshamH said:
Every employee besides our production team does CS :)

What about the graphic designer? :D

I answer them all the time... Marketing & Design / QA is my title though... CS is one of many things I do though.

I mop the cleanroom floor sometimes and my Gorillaz "stylo" video dissapeared a few weeks ago from my iPhone - greatly pissing off my 2 and 4 year olds...
Can I get in on this??
GreshamH said:
tuberider said:
GreshamH said:
Every employee besides our production team does CS :)

What about the graphic designer? :D

I answer them all the time... Marketing & Design / QA is my title though... CS is one of many things I do though.

Interesting. I sent you a PM here about 3+ months ago regarding Arcti Pods an I have still not received a response. I guess it must have either got lost, or you didn't want to answer my question.
I may be able to help you with that actually...

I used to be friends with Damon (lost contact prior to this "new" project) and still share a ton of friends with him.