
anyway to repair scratched window (car)


Supporting Member
so my car was vandalized today, on the passenger side there's quite a few swirling gouges in the glass. Now it had to be deliberate like someone used a diamond ring on the glass and ran it back and forth quite a few times. Just wondering if there's any sort of epoxy or something I could use. Or am I stuck with replacing the whole window.
C.R. Laurence is pretty much the place to get anything glass related.

They have some scratch repair kits you might check out.

Also might check into other sources for polishing discs.

There are some resins that you can use, but those are more for chips.
heheh... nah, I have no idea. It happened at the San Mateo Expo center, only thing I can possibly imagine is I may have "taken" someones parking spot, or may have splashed someone, or something utterly stupid, when it was raining cats and dogs yesterday, however I wasn't exactly parked anywhere close to the entrance, and I'm usually pretty good about watching out for people. Either way it's pretty damn obvious it was deliberate and not an accident of someone walking by and simply scratching it because they were too close with their diamond ring.
thanks Norman, apparently that site is wholesale only though.

I'm first curious about price of any such kits, it might end up being cheaper to get a new window installed. Either way it gave me some heads up on what to search for.
Deductible is not "pretty low" in my case :D So that's not even an option... Other than waiting for the side of my car to get smashed (then take a hammer to the window claiming it occurred during the impact) insurance ain't going to take care of it :D

As to the pick & pull, I thought about that for an attosecond, but then I remembered my attempt at replacing a rear quarter window, and not for the life of me understanding how in the #@&^ to get it in there, ending up pulling the interior away from the door and never being able to get it back, I've simply resigned to the fact that I don't know enough about cars to do that myself :D

I did an autolite (or whatever that company is called) quote, and it was $230, which doesn't seem that expensive considering the size of the window, however if that's the case I think I'll simply live with the eye sore.
That is seriously annoying.
You could see if the expo center had video cameras. But doubt that would go anywhere.

My guess - a dumb bored kid with a rock.
Granite can scratch glass.

For a super cheesy fix - try nail polish.
Metal polish can also work.
But best is to just get a cheap a glass scratch remover kit. Try auto part store, or hardware store, for glass tables.
Since it is on passenger side, you only have to reduce the scratches enough such
that it is not annoying, which should not be a ton of work.

Enough people have glass tanks, it might make sense for people to chip in, and share, for a good kit.
(I have acrylic, so just an idea)

There are a few other kits available through Amazon.