Cali Kid Corals

Bolinas Lagoon tsunami surge

well, I don't watch TV so not sure who has seen what :)

Nothing new in NM beyond stuffing my face for restaurant week and continuing resolution causing the delaying of lots of research funding.
oh, well the local club still is moving forward. Despite Bryan's wishes to be TMBL Reef, we did finally get a new name (NewMACS), had a couple meetings and have a behind the scenes tour set up at the ABQ aquarium :-D
Cool Tony.
No TV for me either.
The web is all you need these days.
It must be all the eating keeping you in the dark.
Watching these videos of the aftermath of this earthquake, thousands of miles from the epicenter is amazing..

Can you believe how it just keeps coming and coming..

Heh even normal tides can be a bit much for boats in Bobo, right Jon :D
I wish I could have been there in person :( I bet it was quite the site :)

Then again I am some one that doesn't run to the beach to see tidal waves, or run to the beach after a major earthquake :lol: I stayed away in 89, for the last tidal surge and this event.