Neptune Aquatics

Cable modems and Comcast


Supporting Member
Hello. I just bought a refurbished Linksys cable modem. I was thinking of replacing the Motorola that Comcast installed and save myself $5/mo.

But then, I wondered if I can have 2 modems for the same account. I keep the Motorola in the office and I figure I'll hook up the Linksys in my bedroom. Will this work?
I don't think so, especially given it's on Comcast. They make it a real PITA to have multiple MAC addresses/routers/etc
I think you would need to setup a new account for running another modem because you would need another IP address from them. Better just to use the Linksys with a wireless router IMO.
I'd just give the cable modem back to Comcast thereby saving $5/month. I think all they need is just the mac address of the linksys to setup
Thanks everyone. I read up and Eileen is correct. It seems Comcast needs the modem's MAC address. So sneaking in another modem is not going to work.

I have a wireless router, but the speed lags as I go up to the 2nd floor bedroom. So I figured (incorrectly) that I would hook up the Linksys and I can have a wired computer in my bedroom.
Normally they didn't allow two modems per residential address but money is money so they have the DA "Duplicate Account" and yes, duplicate the monthly amount.
Another little thing, yes it can be done; no, I don't know how....
Five years or so ago it was possible to sneak two more modems under the table and activate them on a single account number; postings on CL selling the service for a pretty penny but in the long run those "Buying" the service off CL would save tons as the modems were untraceable
I was offered to "join" the club but that's a Federal Offense to mess with communications...
I live in a guest house with comcast. The main house hosts the router and wireless router. I actually tap into the wired part and bridge a wireless router. I then bridge a second wireless router. My desktops have wireless cards in them as does my laptop. No cat 5 to run :-D
that's fine and dandy as long as you have good consistent signal strength. I've never had much luck with that part, and wires won't drop signal :D
I think I'm going to bite the bullet and get one of those N-routers too, perhaps the Cisco E2000 (at least I'll have gigabit if I need it :D) because there is lousy signal strength from my computer room to any other place in the house, the wall isn't THAT thick either, but this house is like a series of Faraday cages.
sfsuphysics said:
I think I'm going to bite the bullet and get one of those N-routers too, perhaps the Cisco E2000 (at least I'll have gigabit if I need it :D) because there is lousy signal strength from my computer room to any other place in the house, the wall isn't THAT thick either, but this house is like a series of Faraday cages.

I thought the chicken wire in plaster interfered with the signals, regardless if it's a/b or n?
I have a fortinet 60wifi router, its overkill for a home setup but if anyone is interested let me know. $200 or trade? Its about 6 years old but they still release firmware updates and it has way more features than standard SOHO equipment. Great for a small server room. Original price was $900.
Bernie, I would think so. However this home while old is not plaster walls, studs + drywall only. Although there is knob & tube wiring, and that might create interference issues, AFAIK there's no wiring in the walls between me and the living room. At this point I'm leaning towards a crappy wireless router, because I've been in the same room and lost connection, or a crappy network card in my laptop, but others who were here had issues as well plus the fact I can just about see 3-4 neighbors signal stronger than my own damn signal!