Neptune Aquatics

Coral Boring Spionid Worm


Supporting Member
I believe I have some Coral Boring Spionid Worms at the base of this chalice frag and on base of a hammer frag. Small white tube like a feather duster, but with two antennae sticking out.

Are these as bad as my Googling suggests?

If I do need to get rid of them, any suggestions? Only dip that has been done on these so far is Reef Primer.

Chris Meckley mentioned using ivermectin (yes that ivermectin) to kill worm parasites and vermetids. I have no idea about the protocol, but something you could look up if the coral appears to be suffering. Otherwise leave as is.
Chris Meckley mentioned using ivermectin (yes that ivermectin) to kill worm parasites and vermetids. I have no idea about the protocol, but something you could look up if the coral appears to be suffering. Otherwise leave as is.
I'll keep an eye on them before I decide to do anything drastic like that.
I had these one time on a rock with a shroom kn it. I ended up removing the shroom with a layer of rock dust and gluing elsewhere.

If the frag isn’t very valuable to you, i recommend removing it. There aren’t any convenient ways to remove them, and they spread pretty fast

Try popping the whole chalice off the plug using a knife or razor blade or something, and then superglue the entir bottom.

Btw these can grow through/on living coral tissue. Not sure how they get there, but i’ve seen their tube and tentacle protruding from hammers, chalices, and acro.