got ethical husbandry?

Elvis Sentenario!

My thoughts? Hmmmmmmm.........
I liked the lyrics display. Made it easy to sing along.
Where can I get one of those knitted Tibetan hats?

Happy Friday.
Keep your heli trimmed and keep lots of spare parts on hand.
screebo said:
My thoughts? Hmmmmmmm.........
I liked the lyrics display. Made it easy to sing along.
Where can I get one of those knitted Tibetan hats?

Happy Friday.
Keep your heli trimmed and keep lots of spare parts on hand.
You sure that is tibetan and not peruvian? Given where he lives i would suspect the latter :)
GreshamH said:
screebo said:
My thoughts? Hmmmmmmm.........
I liked the lyrics display. Made it easy to sing along.
Where can I get one of those knitted Tibetan hats?

Happy Friday.
Keep your heli trimmed and keep lots of spare parts on hand.
You sure that is tibetan and not peruvian? Given where he lives i would suspect the latter :)
It's a good thing someone is willing to keep me honest! Weren't the continents connected at one time? LOL
I have no clue of the designs on it so i honestely dont know myself.... it was an actual question :)

I was given one from peru like a decade ago but it was so scratchy i couldnt even get it close to my head. Id love to see peru :) some day
GreshamH said:
I have no clue of the designs on it so i honestely dont know myself.... it was an actual question :)

I was given one from peru like a decade ago but it was so scratchy i couldnt even get it close to my head. Id love to see peru :) some day
I support your theory. I'm sure that it must be a Myan design and still sported by some Peruvians. I spent a couple weeks in Peru this year but I was way up the Samiria river on the east slope of the Andes. Most of the villiagers there wore baseball hats!