
Eric's RSR 300xl build.


I picked up this 56 gallon tank, stand and sump from @Adauqua back in May. Since then it's pretty much sat in my backyard.

This is the tank when @Adauqua put it up on PIF.
You want some media to kickstart you cycle? Or you gonna just go the “patient” route?
How long would the typical patient route take, i seeded mine with live rock and media, but planning for sps, so definitely want to take the long patience approach. No rush at all. Just wondering what’s considered a patience time range?
How long would the typical patient route take, i seeded mine with live rock and media, but planning for sps, so definitely want to take the long patience approach. No rush at all. Just wondering what’s considered a patience time range?
Some people will say I’m wrong but this is what happened to me and what I’ve noticed with the research that I’ve done. 1-1.5 years. Depending on how sideways it goes.
So a year with no fish or sps. I was thinking a few months, not sure I could sale the empty tank in the living room for a year to the wife lol.
I think he means a year to be established enough for SPS to thrive. Your cycle will be complete a lot sooner than that and be ready for fish and softies/LPS. But around the 1 year mark is when your tank is considered “established” enough for SPS
I think way earlier you can do sps. I started dry marco rock (with old media though) and month 3 I took home an RTNing acro and saved it.

There is a difference, however, between “reluctantly living”, “growing”, and “thriving” and I’m nowhere near thriving, although i’ve seen some growth.
How long would the typical patient route take, i seeded mine with live rock and media, but planning for sps, so definitely want to take the long patience approach. No rush at all. Just wondering what’s considered a patience time range?

There’s no exact science honestly. I put acros in right after it cycles. I’ve done it as soon as 4 weeks of starting with dry rock and the tank is cycled. It’s just a matter of how well equipped you are to dealing with what comes. I’d tell most people to wait 6-12 months that don’t have the time or knowledge to deal with the uglies, but if you’re diligent and keep on top of husbandry duties, you can be successful. But in general, clearing out the ugly phases first usually leads to an easier path to success.