
Gotta leak!!!


Supporting Member
Not tank related though :D

Fricking rain came down hard, hell the weather channel even classified it as "heavy thunderstorms" I saw about a dozen lightning strikes within a period of 30 minutes too then the rain came down and it came hard.. there was a 3 foot wide river against the sidewalk, the hail caused the streets to be almost completely white, I even peaked outside and saw a LOT of flooding 1200+ square feet of roof all draining from one corner, and it was not enough was splashing over and going crazy... then I heard a drip drip drip.. crap, leaking against that corner of the house inside too, luckily I peaked into the crawl space and saw no water on the insulation or above on the roof boards (just put solar panels in I sure as hell don't want to redo the roof!). My thought is the drain couldn't handle it so the water backed up and went under the siding into the house behind the walls... hopefully its not raining tomorrow because I need to go up there and take a peek! Luckily its not dripping any more which is why I was thinking that the super heavy rain was the cause.

Might have to replace that entire down spout too, old cast iron, and goes right into the ground, I'm guessing to the sewer and not to the storm drains.
I was on a plane coming into SFO around 5:30 and it was insane. Flashes everywhere, and the plane was dissipating static in giant flashes and pops. Pilot was on the mike calming everyone down, etc... I fly a good deal and have never had the pleasure of experiencing this particular event before.
Lighting, thunderstorm, heavy rain...
Brings back memories from my childhood.

Check that Mike; water is supposed to overflow on the side of the gutter if the downspout get's clogged or too much water; maybe the gutter is not set in the proper position.
houser said:
I was on a plane coming into SFO around 5:30 and it was insane. Flashes everywhere, and the plane was dissipating static in giant flashes and pops. Pilot was on the mike calming everyone down, etc... I fly a good deal and have never had the pleasure of experiencing this particular event before.

I've had it a few times, mainly over ORD/the Midwest.

It's pretty cool flying over lighting :)
xcaret said:
Check that Mike; water is supposed to overflow on the side of the gutter if the downspout get's clogged or too much water; maybe the gutter is not set in the proper position.
Yeah, I fixed it up today there was a gap around the entire damn thing about a 1/2" that was open literally water went right into the wall. Flat roofs have slightly different drainage systems their your angled roofs.
its fine, I'm pretty sure I got it handled. It simply was a 50 year old issue (or more recent since I did get my roof done 5-6 years ago), that I didn't know existed. Plugged the gap with roofing goop, and I'll change the downspout up since it apparently goes right into the sewage system and it couldn't keep up.