Cali Kid Corals

Home Internet???


Supporting Member
We want to add an inexpensive internet at T's mom's house. AT&T advertises $14.95 for a year.We don't need any super duper fast service, just average speed. Any input?
A quick look at my bill shows $33 for internet for the 3Mbps DSL line, I think it's advertised as $19.95, so a bit less than double once that wears off. However I did the same for my parents, I just got them the cheapest DSL out there through AT&T/SBC/whatever they're calling themselves now, think it costs $14.95 too, they really don't need anything faster than the slowest speed they offer for email/web stuff that they do. Having the "always on" is nice for them though, although it does mean I have to periodically go through and make sure their anti-virus is up to date and do scans for them :D
That would be the cheapest I believe; Comcast believe has the $19.95/Mo for six months in order to take advantage of the low price from either carrier and if you don't mind switching ISP at x given time, then you may get one of them and when the term is to expire, switch to the other one. In order to be considered a "New subscriber", one must bee off the hook for 90 days. So company X does not give you a nice-er price, threat with switching carriers, if they still don't then simply switch.
We have the $14.95 ATT DSL basic service (introductory rate for 12 months). It works just fine for emailing and checking websites. But it's not great for streaming videos (like Netflix downloads). The cool thing is that ATT makes a single modem/wireless router that just plugs into a phone jack, making self-installation really easy. Happy with the service.