
Just got back from SoCal


Supporting Member
Reef-a-palooza was fun, I mean it was similar to what BAYMAC does just a bit larger scale... I have pictures, but they're stuck on a camera I don't have a card reader for, I'll get those in a few days and post them. Off the top of my head, lots of LEDs shown off, talked with Brian Blank he was a nice guy doubly so because the ReefBuilder's booth was empty of everyone when I came by... then he dropped some stuff off and talked with my wife and I. There was a neat little product that basically was a magnifying glass that is magnetically attached to the tank, and was super cool, wish I played around with it more but it looked like one of those winner products that lets you examine corals/etc.

Also was in Disneyland on Saturday night, and had to run to the World of Color show after I saw a tv at a BAR in Downtown Disney showing Giants up 3-2 going into the bottom of the 9th.. shortly there after before the show start I hear a cheer in the crowd and "Go Giants" so I knew all was well :D Crowded as all **** though, I sort of expected that, but damn, its still during the school year!
SF airport did the same collective cheer heard from different levels. It was wild to be in a security sensitive space without the 'Go Giants' just cheering.

I use a magnifying glass on the side of my tank. Would be nice to dial the focus to see more than what is on the plexi.
Richard the portal mag is not adjustable, if that is the product Mike is speaking about. It was the only new one there, D&Ds came out a year or so ago. The portal is made here in Cali. Its a large fish eye like lens that attaches to your tank.

RAP broke all attendance records BY FAR for any reef event held in north or south America. It was just over 3k through the doors, friggen awesome event.
Yes the Portal. I did wonder after the fact (when I got home) how useful it would be on different depths, but it was cool. I did see a D&D one I think at the Sunlight Supply booth, but there were too many people at the booth to get a demo on any particular product.

Glad to hear it was a good event, didn't feel terribly crowded but that could be that it was a rather large hall with ample space between booths or when I was there on Sunday was just slow and everyone was out at lunch :D The downside is where I was staying apparently Blizzcon 2010 was going on and there were not many choices as far as rooms (apparently they had over 20000 people showing up!), spent way too much money on food during my trip, I think I blew a month worth of grocery budget on restaurants :D
Yah the building being so large and the fact the aisles were 16 feet across really helped reduce the over crowded feeling. The first day beat out all american shows this year. 1956 came through the first day alone.
To echo Gresham, the event was very well organized and on Saturday in particular was packed. I didn't get too much time to BS and look around, but it seemed as if the vendors were going non stop for the most part (a few booths were dead, I won't name names though...)
tuberider said:
(a few booths were dead, I won't name names though...)

Just curious.....was it because of booth display, lackluster product, or bad rep? (no names need be mentioned)

Congrats on the bulb!

Ok final managed to get pictures off the camera, it wasn't my camera I was using, it was a nice simple slim camera, as a result quite a few came out crappy :D apparently a few times I accidentally moved the mode to movie mode and took "pictures" that way... yes I feel stupid.

There were quite a few coral vendors and what not, but I had no realistic way of bringing corals back so I didn't spend much time at those booths, plus most of them were just using blue lights over the tank, and I really farking hate that, gee thanks for showing me that they fluoresce with a ton of 460nm on them... how about you show them under white lights... yanno when I'll mostly see them. And to be perfectly honest, the places I did peek in on, I didn't see anything that blew my socks off, or to be honest impressed me to the point that I wish I did have the ability to bring corals back. Just one of those things growing up on RC you hear stories about all the "cherry" stuff that comes out of LA wholesalers... well unless we're just so full of good stuff up here, or its not coming in anymore because... yeah... and one of the vendors there (online, has Cherry in the name) didn't impress me either.

Overall I was there for the hardware side of things, I wanted to see what some of the products had in mind, unfortunately not everything was picture worthy, so I didn't take too many pictures. Had some nice long talks with the Ushio guy, the PE Mysis guy, the Hamiliton guy, and the UVL guy. Briefly spoke with Fin's Reef (see below) and ReefGeek which both were showcasing LEDs, the Aqua Illumination one was really sexy looking, mostly because it had active cooling that was hooked to a thermal couple so the fan wasn't on all the time. The ChemiPure people were quite diplomatic with me when I mentioned I didn't use carbon at all they "respected my choice" and didn't really want to spend much time with me :D The Portal was a great product (that I forgot to take pictures of!!!) magnifying glass/algae cleaning magnet combo! The ReefBuilders booth was disappointing as they had a bunch of chairs set up, but no one was there, especially disappointing since they had a post "come by and say hi at our booth"... well just as I gave up Brian Blank came back with a box full of stuff and we shot the chit for a while, so that saved them. However Jake Adams gets a waggle of the finger!

This was one of the few coral pictures I took, mostly because it was under LEDs, I can't remember the booth this was at, but they weren't selling corals :D

Fin's Reef had this neat LED fixture, the neat part is the LEDs are swappable. They simply unplug and you can swap others in. Now how available the other LEDs are in these plug in format I don't know, also not sure how they're thermally bonded to the fixture.

Here's with all the covering and lenses on, so it doesn't look like a DIY jobber :D

Different colors that are available, camera probably screwed up some of the colors, but as you can see Cree ones are significantly brighter than the SemiLED, so not all "3 watt" LEDs are made the same.

This was the Ecoxotic booth, and I took pictures of this because the theme was cute, however it was one of the more disappointing booths. Because instead of show casing their products, and allowing me as an end user to get information, or want to buy them, they decided to take a jab at the rest of the other lighting industry, and don't feel their products really are so great that other industries need to worry right now. Kind of bad form too because the UVL T5 guy was right across from this booth.

Again, cute, nice Halloween feel, but overall this is belongs on someone's law for Halloween, but hey, their booth, they can do what they want.

Finally found some products... however no literature, no one from Ecoxotic to "sell" them, nothing... I did hear they had a product at the Marine Depot booth but if it was there I didn't know it was an Ecoxotic fixture.

This was a CPR(I think) Skimmer/fuge combo hang on kit. Kind of neat, not sure of the effectiveness of it however, but then again not something I would use on my larger tanks

This was a cool product that popped out at me, Brightwell had a TON of different products, this is the salt-less salt mix :D Literally everything you need in the salt except the salt. You can buy the salt bulk at any pool supply store, and simply mix your own. A little more hands on with getting your mix right initially, but seems like a good product. He also said the owner uses it in lieu of a two part solution, and simply adds it to the tank

Digital Aquatics had booth, I didn't see Neptune though, although I don't think they were showing off any new items, simply their other ones. The wavy front tank looks cool though :D

And finally a couple of random tanks at various vendor booths, showing off nothing in particular. Tanks are always nice like this when they're freshly set up. Before any algae can grow, everything is clear, clean and white :D

Hehehe.. I didn't talk to anyone at DA, as I could just foresee myself digging a pit and trying to get them to fall into it. I still got an Elite controller myself, as well as a power strip, but that's literally all I do with it. Simply an expensive timer.
tuberider said:
That's not for me to divulge, you'll find out soon enough, he's still running down the street jumping up and down :D

Kudos for letting Nudi announce it :)