
More of what we already know.



We have a chance to change though. Or maybe our kids do.
yeah unfortunately we're screwed since we (we as a collective majority) seem to care more about some congressman taking pictures of his weewee than we do things like environmental damage.

Or my favorite... we can't worry about the environment now, do you know what it'll do to the economy!

Yes I am quite cynical when it comes to humanity.
That article discredits itself. We need to reduce CO2 emissions to 0. Hmm really...

I have issues w/ the idea of man made global warming... like the surface temp of mars changin at the same rate as ours.
Maybe thats our fault too..

CO2 is produced many ways, beside human activity...
One volcanic eruption can release more CO2 than all human activity in a year.
I am all for clean oceans and air.. but this man made global warming BS is getting old.

I'd love to see some sorces..
BigMac said:
That article discredits itself. We need to reduce CO2 emissions to 0. Hmm really...

I have issues w/ the idea of man made global warming... like the surface temp of mars changin at the same rate as ours.
Maybe thats our fault too..
Mars and the earth have very different properties. Think of it as buffering capacity. Also, global warming is a long period global change, and not localized changes (physical and temporal)
CO2 is produced many ways, beside human activity...
One volcanic eruption can release more CO2 than all human activity in a year.
It's more than just producing CO2 (which we do a ton of), it's also changing the sinks of CO2. We are doing bad things on both ends in ways that either are potentially irreversible, or have a large hysteresis.
I am all for clean oceans and air.. but this man made global warming BS is getting old.

I'd love to see some sorces..
Likewise, I'd like to see some sources saying it is BS. I find it interesting that a majority of those saying it is BS have no solid basis in science, atmospheric chemistry, climate change etc, and follow popular culture for their advice.
Worldwide humans release about 30 billion tonnes of CO2 per year from energy consumption, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration:

Nature's volcanoes produce a measly 110 million tonnes of CO2 per year according to this paper (2.5 × 10^12 moles of CO2 = about 110 million tonnes of CO2):

We have nature beat in this category by well over 100.

There was a paper from a few years ago that suggested that Mars has been warming the past few decades, but that was based on TWO sample points (that's right, a "huge" sample size) that did not consider when dust storms occurred. Dust storms causes seasonal temperature changes, so when taken into account, Mars hasn't warmed at all, aka global warming is not a solar system-wide phenomenon caused by the Sun.
here is a good read about man made global warming from someone who was a meteorologist.

I do agree, people need to be more responsible for their actions. but we can't regulate our way out of this in one piece, we need to educate people so they change their habits for the better of the world.
gerbilbox said:
Worldwide humans release about 30 billion tonnes of CO2 per year from energy consumption, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration:

Nature's volcanoes produce a measly 110 million tonnes of CO2 per year according to this paper (2.5 × 10^12 moles of CO2 = about 110 million tonnes of CO2):

We have nature beat in this category by well over 100.
Not to mention, the CO2 humans release is CO2 that was locked away, removed from our atmosphere long long ago.

Granted CO2 is one part of the larger puzzle, but it is kind of silly to claim that humans can't affect the planet.
Good point Mike, I look at it that way myself and try to explain it in a flawed, but in a way accurate manner.

When the dinosaurs walked the planet there was a higher lever of atmospheric CO2 that there currently is, the planet was indeed warmer. The dinosaurs died and sequestered that CO2 in the form of gas (peat bogs is where the majority of that happened hence the logic "flaw"), we are simply returning to that climate by utilizing that energy.

I propose we have a cold fusion forum on the board so all of the brainiacs in this club can save the planet, or at least temporarily pacify the climate until the planet is so overrun with humans that there's finally a plague and we all die.
The oceans just need a water change. 10% should do it. @Jeremy you should bring up "DO YOU WANT TO LIVE WITH DINOSAURS?" when you say the world is becoming like it was :p
Actually, she has a damn good solution to global warming!
I can't guarantee the complete accuracy of this, but it should give you an idea of the WMD know as CowFart!
Contrary to popular belief, methane is odorless :p If a cow fart stinks, you are getting microscopic poop chunks and volatiles stuck in your nose :p
Gomer said:
Contrary to popular belief, methane is odorless :p If a cow fart stinks, you are getting microscopic poop chunks and volatiles stuck in your nose :p

Yup, knew that (from mining) but I always thought there was other gases released as well?