Reef nutrition

Odor control while cycling tank

just started cycling a tank in the living room, put in a cocktail shrimp and a few mysis cubes to start it off and man is it rancid! Its stinking up the whole house, anyone have any recommendations on odor control? Wishing I had some cured rock in there....its all dry/base.


Remove the "trash" from your tank, it's not necessary.

As to the smell, open a window? I had a 90 pounds of rock shipped from Tonga that I tossed into my first 135g tank letting it "cycle" oh man that was a few days of some nasty reekatude! Good thing the woman wasn't around then, probably would have been a short lived hobby :D

Seriously though, toss on a protein skimmer couldn't hurt as it'll pull any proteins out of the system, but in reality a couple days the smell should be gone at most, depends how much decaying stuff you actually have in the tank, it shouldn't smell up the place that bad.