Cali Kid Corals

Open Studio April 9-10


This is my wife and neighbor's annual event.!/event.php?eid=121943564546748

Her website

Your all welcome.
I would be happy to show off my tank since I'll be hanging with my three year old daughter.
If you haven't been, the drive alone is worth a visit. The house, property and tank is just a MASSIVE bonus :) Not to mention Jon and his family are about the nicest people you'll ever meet :D
GreshamH said:
If you haven't been, the drive alone is worth a visit. The house, property and tank is just a MASSIVE bonus :) Not to mention Jon and his family are about the nicest people you'll ever meet :D
Thanks Gresh!
Sorry I can't make it to the talk this Saturday.
I was going to talk to your boss about giving you a raise. :D
Hey I'm just speaking the truth. This club has afforded me contact with some incredible people and you are one of them. :)
Huge! Free PR!
Marin IJ today!!!