Cali Kid Corals

Please Wipeout My Hard Drive


Supporting Member
We brought home my mom's old computer to be donated and would like to clear the hard drive. What is the easiest way????
Active@DiskKill is a free one time app that will completely erase a hard drive. Just download on the machine and run.

Erase your data, open the drive, scratch the platters all to heck, take a hammer to them, then hit the whole thing with a Mighty Mag.
Well I'm pretty sure since he's donating the computer they'd like a HD to be present, otherwise he could whip up a batch of thermite :D

That said, did your mom do any "sensitive" stuff on the computer? banking, buying stuff with credit card, etc? if not, format the disk and be done with it. I know my mom downloads recipes and knitting patterns, and my dad plays solitare and that's the extent of their computer computer use.